Age survey

While not formal BJJ training, I started training in IRT (which does cover alot of groundwork) when I was 18.
I'm 45 years old and practicing BJJ almost every day.

I've been doing some form of martial arts off-and-on for 20+ years. I officially started BJJ as my primary art about 5-6 years ago, but I had a couple of years off in the middle of that for health reasons.

Most of my classmates are about half my age and much more athletic. I have to compensate with patience and technique in order to keep up with them.

Things I find that help me, as an older practitioner:

1) Regular yoga practice helps keep my muscles supple and helps me avoid injury.
2) Staying calm and patient on the mat. Since I don't have the explosive speed and power that some of the young studs have, I need to take my time and look for my opportunities.
3) Leaving my ego at the door. Any time I have a break in my training for whatever reason (illness, injury, life emergencies), I know that my conditioning will fade quickly and I'm likely to take a beating when I start back on the mat. If I can let go of my embarassment at not performing up to par and just treat the whole thing as another learning experience, I can get myself back up to speed pretty quickly.
4) Constantly looking to refine my technique so as to require less effort.

Hope that helps!
I started BJJ at age 37. Been out of training for the past few months, but looking to get back into it soon.

That's fine. I don't mind at all. I appreciate the link to the article. it sounds like this is something everyone should be taking for better health.

I hope 4 grams a day is the right amount. That's what the directions said.


Good luck with that. Here's an article I found doing a quick google search:…/

I also posted about this on my blog. It's a great topic. I quoted your original post in this thread and used my first response as the core for my blog post. I hope you don't mind. If you do, let me know.