Again with the Leg...


Purple Belt
I've been going back to class for about a month now. Enjoying every second of it.

But, this leg is trying to stomp out my fire. I seem to hurt it every single class. I just really don't want to miss more than a few days of class for this...

Now, when I walk the area just above my kneecap feels really tight and feels really bruised when I walk. It only hurts when I kick with my right leg, putting stress on the left. Only on "side direction" kicks.. front kicks and axe kicks don't hurt in the slightest. and it doesn't hurt when I do side kicks with that leg.. it only hurts when I do them with the right leg. I've stretched.. and done everything I can think of save going to the doctor.. I've never had issues like this.. I was hoping there was a home remedy fix or something to get well fast.. gah.. this sucks
Get it checked with a Doctor. If you don't want to see a Doctor, don't do what hurts until you can do it without pain. When your ready ice after you work it, practice in a pool and develop a strength program.
Sylo you really need to see a specialist about this problem and have him really dig into the initial problem of the leg. By the way sorry you are having problem hand in there.
You really REALLY need to see a doctor. It sounds like you might have some ligament damage. those symptoms sound very similar to what i went through after I blew out my ACL. The longer you go without knowing what's going on...and consequently without proper treatment...the worse your prognosis.

I'd say rest it for a few weeks. Go to TKD, but only chamber with that leg, and don't kick. and go slow on the footwork. If no improvement , see a Dr. they will probably want to do an MRI, and that cost big bucks , so if you have 80/20 insurance realize you will have to kick in $$ to get it done. I have a torn ACL and have still been practicing on it an average of 3 to 4 days a week since being diagnosed. First couple mths I took it easy, no kicking, only chambering, and did my best to build up supporting muscles. My biggest danger is when I get fatigued. good luck
How many times do you have to hurt and not figure out that maybe it's either time to REST and heal, or see a doctor -- or both? Something like half of your recent posts have involved, mentioned, or otherwise had to do with leg problems.

Let an expert check it out and guide you on healing -- unless you want to spend the rest of your life relying on a cane or crutch. Or worse.
As mentioned above. Things like this cost big bucks. I have insurance, but I already have 100k+ dollas worth of hospital bills for my son to pay. I just can't afford anymore expensive dr. bills right now. I wouldn't mind taking a break, but I know the minute I stop going even for a week.. its going to be that much harder go back.. Not only that, I'm so close to finally testing for my red belt (I've been blue for like 2 years) I just can't stand by and have to start over again for the 5th time. I'm gonna see if I can find out what I can do about going to the doctor. In the meantime I will put ice on it, and take it easy on it in class. Last thing I need is another dream dashed by forces outside of my control, when I can control it.

Whoa boy. Before you go any farther maybe this will work.

Talk to your instructor. Let him know for now you cannot kick, PERIOD. I mean zero kicking. Let your legs heal. I make take even a year (it took 2 years for me and I'm still not 100 percent.)

Then ask if you can substitute hand techniques for kicks. Hopefully they are not rigid and will let you do strait punches, backfist, hammers, tiger paws, shovels, spinning backfist, ridge hands, etc.... when others kick. Add all the blocks to. Do simultaneous blocks and punches (called one-timing by Bruce Lee.) I mean there is a whole world of hand techniques, actually far more than kicking techniques.

I did that when I had both knees dammaged. I was already pretty good with my hands but I am even better now. Fast and strong with them. And some weigh lifthing and you will see you can adapt and overcome.

You can turn this to your advantage when you think about it. Just lay the facts out to your instructor and suggest this.

A doctor would be a good idea. Even if you don't have it treated right then, at least get an opinion on what's causing the problem. Who knows? Could just be something simple like having to roll up a blanket under your knee and then press down on it for a few reps to help realign your patella or something.

Not everything's dire, but things unchecked usually get worse.
This isn't necessarily addressed to the OP, but it's worth observing that plenty of TKD masters have had knee and hip replacement surgery in their middle ages thanks to repetitive stress and (sometimes) incorrect technique or training habits.

Sports medicine has come a long ways in the last 20 years. It's better to bite the bullet now financially than have to deal with physical ailments more expensive and more difficult to recover from in the future. A little bit of prevention goes a far ways.

Now this IS addressed to the OP. The red belt is only a rank and in the big scheme of things not really that important. I would make my choices accordingly.
Need to reiterate get to the Doc to get at the problem to see if rest, surgery or retirement are best plan of action. If it is in the cards develop a plan of action, after that will make it happen. We'll support you were we can. Good luck and God Bless you.

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