The viking were not doing those things in the ice age, they were stuck in a cave sleeping with their sisters, thats how people got white skin so quickly. Its hard for white people to accept, but its true. We have a eurocentric view of history. I am humble enough to ask other people what their take on it is. It may be easier to write them off as savages, but other cultures have a collective memory much, much longer than ours. Its amazing what you can learn by simply asking. Jared Diamond makes the point about knowlege traveling laterally. At the same longitude you know what to each, East and west have always been closer than north and south. Societies that are isolated develop at a snails pace. The oldest runes are in China and are of turkic origin. Before Qin Huang Di there were many pictographic languages in Ch
ina, the anscestor of Runes was one of them. Turkic people lived and still live in China, they brought it over to the Fins who speak a language closer to Turkish than to English. That is how the incestous savages in Europe got writing. Naturally they thought it had magic powers as most people do when they first discover technology. Look at an ice age map and then cross reference it with the oldest cultures..its no coincidence.