African Presence in China

Here's my thing... if there are people in rural China (where it freezes no less) that are dark... explain them...

know what I mean?

I mean it's cold there too ... like year round... they're dark... they must be African too, right? By his reasoning, right? Or did I read that wrong?

Going to find a surly, argumentative tree...

Good luck Frank... I think I've got the better debate opponent.

You do know the picture in your link is from Greenland,not China?
and the last ice age was about 12,000 years ago and most travel was done by ice bridges and exposed land bridges and there was none between Egypt and China unless you wanted to travel over land on a glacier which would be considerably harder than traveling on land itself that was there prior to and after the Ice age, although the land was considerably different prior to the ice age and just as a point of reference some of those glaciers were about 2 miles thick, it was not like walking out on a frozen lake.

This post started silly and somehow got much sillier.... pointless to continue actually due to the incredible lack of scientific based knowledge of the one posting ice age shorelines and Egypt meant China...and before you go the Egyptian Blue and Chinese purple way to prove it, assuming you have any idea as to what I am talking about, that has been proven false by chemical make-up of both colors.... they were produced independently of one another...much like the two guys that came up with calculus at the same time independently of each other.... It is amazing what people can do all by themselves actually

Bottom-line.... people are not all that different in their thinking and it is highly likely they will develop incredibly similar things independently from each other. Just about every culture you can think of has a meatball... that does not mean one guy in antiquity came up with the idea and the rest just copied him
Its not a European look at world history, its what I learned by asking minority groups in China, Turks, Tibetans, and MesoAmerican natives. Knowledge travels horizontally. Low water levels mean higher islands. All of those stone buildings on tiny islands were once vast plains people farmed. Easier to island hop that way. Better to island hop than travel North and South. As a result China and Egypt may have more to do with each other than Norwegians and Zulu.[/QUOTE]

ah the Norwegians..aka Vikings, they got everywhere! wouldn't surprise me if they find an Egyptian tomb one day and among the heiroglyphics there's a picture of a chap with a horned helmet, a stein of beer in his hand and a big grin on his face! Wouldn't surprise me either to find King Tut was Celtic, the Cornish miners went everywhere a miner was needed and you all know there's an Irish bar in every city in the world!

My great grandfather when he was very old took a fancy to be a lumberjack so he went along to get a job cutting down trees, they looked at him oddly and asked what experience he had.
"I worked on the Sahara forest" he replied
"But it's a desert!"
The viking were not doing those things in the ice age, they were stuck in a cave sleeping with their sisters, thats how people got white skin so quickly. Its hard for white people to accept, but its true. We have a eurocentric view of history. I am humble enough to ask other people what their take on it is. It may be easier to write them off as savages, but other cultures have a collective memory much, much longer than ours. Its amazing what you can learn by simply asking. Jared Diamond makes the point about knowlege traveling laterally. At the same longitude you know what to each, East and west have always been closer than north and south. Societies that are isolated develop at a snails pace. The oldest runes are in China and are of turkic origin. Before Qin Huang Di there were many pictographic languages in Ch

ina, the anscestor of Runes was one of them. Turkic people lived and still live in China, they brought it over to the Fins who speak a language closer to Turkish than to English. That is how the incestous savages in Europe got writing. Naturally they thought it had magic powers as most people do when they first discover technology. Look at an ice age map and then cross reference it with the oldest cultures..its no coincidence.
The turks were also the catalyst that fathered western medicine. This is according to their own history and the Chinese. The turks were kicked out of China into Hellenized central Asia 200 years before Hippocrates was born. They used, and still use a four humor theory similar to four direction theory of Chinese Medicine. The coiled snake goes back to the dragon wrapped around the pole and Indian snake cults. Chinese have totem poles with wings on the top and dragons that coil around the pole. It represents qi coiling up the spine. That isn't to say everything came out of China, there are things in China such as certain herbs that certainly came from Africa. Egyptians do a form of acupuncture which involves burning small pieces of metal on acupuncture points. Europe was late to the party because of the ice age.

Like I said any further discussion with you would be pointless due to your complete lack of real live historical, geological, anthropologicaland archeological support of just about anything you are saying on the topic.

Therefore I am done with you....bye
The viking were not doing those things in the ice age, they were stuck in a cave sleeping with their sisters, thats how people got white skin so quickly. Its hard for white people to accept, but its true. We have a eurocentric view of history. I am humble enough to ask other people what their take on it is. It may be easier to write them off as savages, but other cultures have a collective memory much, much longer than ours. Its amazing what you can learn by simply asking. Jared Diamond makes the point about knowlege traveling laterally. At the same longitude you know what to each, East and west have always been closer than north and south. Societies that are isolated develop at a snails pace. The oldest runes are in China and are of turkic origin. Before Qin Huang Di there were many pictographic languages in Ch

ina, the anscestor of Runes was one of them. Turkic people lived and still live in China, they brought it over to the Fins who speak a language closer to Turkish than to English. That is how the incestous savages in Europe got writing. Naturally they thought it had magic powers as most people do when they first discover technology. Look at an ice age map and then cross reference it with the oldest cultures..its no coincidence.

So, you know where martial arts etc came from, can you now find out where to get a sense of humour?
Any links to peer reviewed articles, backed up by genetic testing?

I said this last year in this thread, and I stand by it still. I have yet to see anyone present any evidence as what what is being discussed here. Until that happens it's all just noise.
The viking were not doing those things in the ice age, they were stuck in a cave sleeping with their sisters, thats how people got white skin so quickly. Its hard for white people to accept, but its true. We have a eurocentric view of history. I am humble enough to ask other people what their take on it is. It may be easier to write them off as savages, but other cultures have a collective memory much, much longer than ours. Its amazing what you can learn by simply asking. Jared Diamond makes the point about knowlege traveling laterally. At the same longitude you know what to each, East and west have always been closer than north and south. Societies that are isolated develop at a snails pace. The oldest runes are in China and are of turkic origin. Before Qin Huang Di there were many pictographic languages in Ch

ina, the anscestor of Runes was one of them. Turkic people lived and still live in China, they brought it over to the Fins who speak a language closer to Turkish than to English. That is how the incestous savages in Europe got writing. Naturally they thought it had magic powers as most people do when they first discover technology. Look at an ice age map and then cross reference it with the oldest cultures..its no coincidence.

However you aren't humble enough to actually listen to the replies. Your ideas on how Europeans got their white skins are novel, bigotted but novel. In fact all your ideas are novel, total bollocks of course but amusing all the same.
Because no one knows African and Chinese history better than white people....WHITE POWER!. Is that what you want to hear?
Because no one knows African and Chinese history better than white people....WHITE POWER!. Is that what you want to hear?

So, you are a mind reader now and can tell who on MT is 'white' and who isn't? You are making some pretty big assumptions as to people's origins here, you don't know who actually is Chinese or African on here, of course you actually seem to be saying everybody is wrong except you. Did it not occur to you that people are arguing with you because it may be their history you are rubbishing?
Because no one knows African and Chinese history better than white people....WHITE POWER!. Is that what you want to hear?


Your problem is obvious.
Yes because its better to ask a white professor than to ask the locals. After all, only white people know anything about the primitives. Nothing exists until a white man confirms it.
Yes because its better to ask a white professor than to ask the locals. After all, only white people know anything about the primitives. Nothing exists until a white man confirms it.

You really have serious issues.
Like I said, I think we can do without the bigotry.

And the insults.

Yes because its better to ask a white professor than to ask the locals. After all, only white people know anything about the primitives. Nothing exists until a white man confirms it.

ummm although your post is racist I will say this

In the case of China and Chinese history it is generally better to ask a Professor, historian or expert on China that is in China, trained in China and Chinese and from what I can tell of those that I have spoken too or read none of them agree with you. And going to locals, although sometimes helps but it is generally full of myth, half truths and family issues and it affects the history they tell you. As to Western trained people, be they white, black, brown, yellow, red, green or blue I do not feel they have a better understanding of Chinese history than a Chinese historian, anthropologist, geologist, archeologist does about his or her own country. Or at least that has been my experience. A good example of this would be that 20 years ago historians in the west were saying that the Xia dynasty was mythological while historians in China were saying Xia was real....guess who was proven to be right based on arceological evidence....let me give you a clue....the guys from the west had it wrong
Because no one knows African and Chinese history better than white people....WHITE POWER!. Is that what you want to hear?

It is commonly held belief that life began in Africa(that eventually became what we know as human) and spread from there. There are also other theories about multiple locations of life beginnings(as pointed out by Black Belt Jedi in his blog), but these are not the most popular theories. There is evidence of African based life in China from roughly 12000 years ago, still way back on the evolutionary scale. At that point in time, while you could argue that the beings were African(or of African descent) there was no civilization. By the time civilization evolved/developed several 1000 years later, it is REASONABLE to call these original settlers African? If there were wars between the existing Chinese population(meaning the beings who inhabited China at the time,even if they had not yet become what we now recognize as Chinese) and the African nations, which allowed the Africans to take control of China from the indigenous population, is there any record of such an event?

I say this is a commonly held belief because our understanding of the world changes as new facts are discovered. There has been recent info on skulls found in a cave in China which either supports the African migration theory or is a new form of human evolution. Which one will become the accepted fact? There are problems with either scenario to what is being suggested in this thread.
Yes because its better to ask a white professor than to ask the locals. After all, only white people know anything about the primitives. Nothing exists until a white man confirms it.

I think, as they say on Oprah, you have issues.

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