Advice with workout and weight loss


I am a 50 year old male, it pretty good shape (i have worked out most of my life), I have a degree in Exercise Sports Science, I am a blue belt, and I need to lose weight.

Currently I attended TKD with my daughter twice a week for 2 hours per session.

I need advice from some experienced people please. It is true I have a university degree in Exercise, but I have never been 50 before nor doing Martial arts heavily like now. It is putting unique strains on my body. Weight just is not shedding and I have read so many article and books....

So what do you suggest I do as a workout for the 2-3 days I am not in TKD? Weight training, yoga, Cardio, interval training????
Yes, I am aware diet is important and that is already changed.

Please, any advice would be great.
Light to moderate cardio to keep the caloric burn going. But I suspect you need to track your intake, especially What you eat as much as How much you are eating. Everyone is different on where the weight shed versus intake happens.
The best exercise is often the simplest. Walking is probably the best thing you can do to help lose weight- even quite a large amount of walking does not make great demands on your recovery abilities.
The best exercise is often the simplest. Walking is probably the best thing you can do to help lose weight- even quite a large amount of walking does not make great demands on your recovery abilities.
Long story but I am on 3-1/2 knee replacements. I have found that spinning on a stationary bike burns more calories and is less impact on the joints than walking.
I like elliptical/cross trainers since there’s negligible impact on the joints and the long sweeping movements on the knee joints appear to increase metabolism in the chondrocytes.
Burning more calories is good, but decreasing their intake is better - just be sure you're not also cutting down on vital nutrients/vitamins. Eat less and more efficiently.

But none of the above will work as well as for someone 30 years old. Certainly by 50 metabolism slows and working out can increase your appetite. This is a double whammy and requires a lot of will power not to succumb.

Most importantly for older guys is that male hormones decrease, and female hormones increase This can result in lack of energy and increased fat. Hormonal imbalance can negate normal weight loss efforts. I would strongly suggest you confer with an endocrinologist, or at least your regular doctor, and get blood tested for this, as if a pituitary problem goes unchecked for too many years, serious problems can arise.