Achilles' Heels

I have to pick one weakness :confused: ....I would have to say that sparring I don't like to use my hands too much. I don't feel I have the upper body strength for it, I'm more of a kicking person. I also tend to fight in a line and everyone, especially the uppper belts try to keep reminding me and work with me on moving in diagnols and out of the way of what is coming. When blocking I tend to keep one hand too close to my face and Seig always finds it funny when he smacks my hand and I smack myself in the face, hey no push-ups for him, he didn't hit me in the face I hit myself. :p . I do feel really self conscience when others are looking at me when I am doing a technique or something. I think my list can go on but I'll stop right there. :asian:
Originally posted by FUZZYJ692000

When blocking I tend to keep one hand too close to my face and Seig always finds it funny when he smacks my hand and I smack myself in the face, hey no push-ups for him, he didn't hit me in the face I hit myself.
I do not find it funny! I find it hilarious:roflmao:
Seriously, you are not the only one I do it to. I will break you all of that habit. Experience will be your guide.

"Pain will be their Guide" The Bruise Brothers Chp. 1, pg.1, para.1



Run! (When Seig circles you like a wolf stalking sheeple, ugh - sheep)

Tessmania- You're getting much better every time I spar you, breathe & relax, - FLOW - speed then power - I don't pummel........... (well not usually )
I think one of my many weaknesses is that sometimes I'm too critical of myself. I don't think I'm bad in sparring but I'm not too good, either. on that note, my left side is my weak side. my kicks on my left side are very slow and I don't have as good control over my left as I do with my right. that may go back to me spraining my left ankle quite badly in tenth grade, but anyway. I also favor my legs more than I should. I truly need a lot more practice with my hands in sparring and counter attacking after I block. (praise allah we get to spar tonight, I'll make it a point to use my hands more than usual.)

Your LHS kicks are slow???????? Ha! I wish that I could move that fast with either side of my crippled up old body.

Again preaching the litany to the choir:



I think my left side kicks are slow. and I DID work on my hands wednesday night, however, I still got pummeled my Sieg(who didn't?) :-)
yeah right.> Chronuss's kicks are slow.. *rme*
and Pete.. Crippled old body eh.. SLow YOU? HAHAHAAAA
sorry.. a momentary slip of sanity..

I'm at the realization age is my true achilles heel.. Here I am at 42 .. working with people half my age....after sparring... I leave the studio with bruises under my pads.. ummm.. I am working on
Breathing.. Relaxing.. Flowing..
but sheesh..maybe I should hang up my sparring gear and keep time~!!!

I can breathe .. relax .. and let hot water flow over me as I sit in the tub ..~!!!
Don't give in to the bastach (father time) :p

I'm 42 also and I think as the old geezer of the school I have to keep the young guns under control. Also it's some what gratifying when they find out how old I am :D

If your getting bruises, your not hitting them hard enough :D

Originally posted by Klondike93

Don't give in to the bastach (father time) :p

I'm 42 also and I think as the old geezer of the school I have to keep the young guns under control. Also it's some what gratifying when they find out how old I am :D

If your getting bruises, your not hitting them hard enough :D


Yeah I hear ya Klondike~!! I'm getting bruised by our Visiting Sparring guys.. hahaaa.. not Kenpoists and Man do they HIT~!!!!
*coughs* even my breasts are bruised~!!!!
Yeah.. I need to learn how to defend against These guys~!!!
I have bruises ontop of my bruises.. they are the only ones that 'get me' ~!!! *whining*
Originally posted by KenpoTess

nope.. Penjak Silat and I think Shoren Ryu.. The TKD'ers I can handle fine.. *g*

Iv'e never sparred anyone from either of these styles, how different are they from say a kenpo fighter or TKD fighter?

Originally posted by Klondike93

Iv'e never sparred anyone from either of these styles, how different are they from say a kenpo fighter or TKD fighter?


well when we spar.. we keep our fighting stance to the side.. less target.. I sometimes spar looking over my shoulder.. well these guys are full face forward.. and they have damn quick hands.. their reach is right there.. in your face before you even know they moved.. Stickdummy has octopus tentacles not hands or arms.. ~!! and their kicks are jabbing and fast.. you don't see them coming..they do alot of leg sweeps.. and frontal attacks.. with TKDers.. they use their kicks.. and you can generally tell when they are coming.. not necessarily telegraphing.. but you can charge under a thigh and drop them.. these guys.. snap their kick out below the waist.. and pffts.. doomed
"Doomed! We're All DOOMED"

witha Dr. Smith from the Lost in Space Teevee series voice....

or meebee "Oh The Pain"

I don't do leg sweeps!!!! you just kinda stumble into my legs, and I DON'T LEAVE BRUISES!!! Thats Chronuss, yeah thats it - Chronuss

Told Seig this past Wed AM, Tess you ARE really improving as are the "kids" - won't name names don't want BIG HEADS around.

Octopus Tentacles? Pssssah - I'm just welcoming you into my House (of pain) with a warm smile and open arms...........
Originally posted by Stick Dummy

"Doomed! We're All DOOMED"

witha Dr. Smith from the Lost in Space Teevee series voice....

or meebee "Oh The Pain"

I don't do leg sweeps!!!! you just kinda stumble into my legs, and I DON'T LEAVE BRUISES!!! Thats Chronuss, yeah thats it - Chronuss

Told Seig this past Wed AM, Tess you ARE really improving as are the "kids" - won't name names don't want BIG HEADS around.

Octupus tentacles? Pssssah - I'm just welcoming you into my House (of pain) with a warm smile and open arms...........

*sighs.. improving.. sure tell Seig..
I'm so ready for a wheelchair ~!!
Ok you don't do leg sweeps.. Randy does.. :P
Funny how Randy blamed Chronuss for my leg bruise the other night and Chronuss wasn't even there~!!!
poor poor Chad.. *chuckles wickedly*

and yeah you welcoming me into your house of pain.. damnit Man.. I thought you were a lover.. *g*

Doomed.. doomed I say~!! But I love it~!!
you WILL get me KILLED with comments like that................

QUICKLY Donning Kevlar and quickly loading the firesticks to FULL capacity.......