Achieving was you thought was not possible


Purple Belt
Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
Tampa, Fl USA
I thought, given the vast experience here, that this might be interesting. So here goes:

1. Putting my forehead on the floor during a speadeagle stretch
2. Kicking above my own head. (necessary with my sparring partner)
3. Having the same woman put up with me for 17 years. (I know not really MA related, but still amazes me)

Ya... for me it's more goals associated with martial arts.

1. Opening my own school
2. Fighting full contact
3. (pending!) Get into movies using my martial arts and gymnastics and open a school in Thailand

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
1. sticking with the arts through out my life.

2. earning my black belt.

3. earning my 2nd degree black belt.

4. teaching MA.

5. loving someone more than life itself.... the day i became a dad.
Earning my black belt...

Continuing my training....

Further advancing in rank in my art...

Further advancing my knowledge in other MA's...
3. Having the same woman put up with me for 17 years. (I know not really MA related, but still amazes me)
Well, it is MA related in a way (and I don't me Marital Arts, either). In the study of aikido you learn things like blending, redirection of energy and such that translate very well to your relationships with other people. These concepts are a must for anyone who has maintained a healthy relationship with the same person for any length of time. My guess is that both of you are using these aikido principles and not even realizing it. Congrats on the longevity.;)

Mine are:
1: Earn my black belt
2: See my kids earn theirs (if they want to continue)
3: Teach under my current Sensei
4: Open my own dojo
Originally posted by theletch1 My guess is that both of you are using these aikido principles and not even realizing it. Congrats on the longevity.;)

Thanks for the kind words.

Guess I should add teach as well, most of our studens come to me for help.
1) Earning a black belt
2) Earning the respect of other MAs in my community (I wasn't very confident at first, so this was a big ego booster!)
3) Beating one of the best spar-ers at my association's tourney.
*Earning my blackbelt
*Surviving my blackbelt test. :eek:
*Actually reaching the point where the body just does what it's supposed to do without thought.
*Gaining and receiving more respect from students, peers, and seniors than I would have ever dreamed of. (a good feeling that carries a certain weight of responsibilty)
*Finding a wonderful woman to spend the rest of my life with.