ABC's Of You Game


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Well not really a game but something I found on Facebook. The questions aren't TOO personal so it's a way to "get to know a bit more about you for our files" (from a song).
It'd be fun... c'mon try it. Copy and paste the last person's and delete their answers, replacing them with your own.

A- age: 47 regrettably
B- bed size: twin for the time being :rolleyes:
C- cat's name: had two, all white Angora named Snowball, and all black Angora named Stilgar
D- date of importance: July 4th 2008 a beginning of a beautiful relationship.
E- essential start to your day: to think of a dove and prepare for work or whatever ...
F- favorite color: red
G- gold or silver: gold
H- height: 5'10"
I- instruments: tried guitar, play bongos... well not really.
J- job title: Tour Guide/ Interpreter
K- Kids: none... yet :uhyeah:
L- living arrangements: with parents (as a caretaker)
M- Mom's name: Betty
N- names of children: n/a
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: yes... about 20 altogether
P- pet peeve: hypocracy
Q- quote from a movie: "Made it Ma! Top of the World!" James Cagney in White Heat
R- right or left-handed: right
S- sibling(s): David, Fred and too many sisters to name. *winks*
T- time you wake up: when the alarm goes off
U- underwear: yes, when necessary
V- vegetable you dislike: mainly ... asparagus
W- ways you run late: trying to remember what needed before I leave to go to where I'm going to be late
Y- yummy food you make: anything Italian
Z- zoo favorite: Tigers
Hey Caver :) I think there are maybe too many questions for our busy chatters: 25 (what happened to X? X-Kan, or xylophone tunes, or x-rays, or X-Men?) and but I am happy to play since I have nobody here to amuse me this morning :) and tell me what is regrettable about 47???

A- age: almost 28
B- bed size: queensize
C- cat's name: no cat and but we had a pinscher called Goethe. He used to eat flowers. Chrysanthemums mostly.
D- date of importance: I was getting obsessively morbid with marking too many days and anniversaries. I do not mark days now, every day is important to me as long as I am still here :)
E- essential start to your day: my GHDs, yes that is so superficial and but if you seen me first thing in the morning, you would agree there was nothing superficial about it :)
F- favorite color: pink and purple for clothes, red for cars, and I am mesmerised by anyone with green eyes
G- gold or silver: jewellery? nope, neither, amethyst or carnelian are nicer
H- height: 5'7 (and a little bit)" or 5'10" on Saturday night :)
I- instruments: grade 8 piano, various electronica (Nord Stage + Cubase etc), some guitar - mostly lousy Jimmy Paige impersonations, though it is wholeheartedly welcomed by the neighbour who likes to join in by 'drumming' on the wall :D
J- job title: mechanic and but trained in automotive design if that will help to unstereotype me. I spent an overwhelmingly enjoyable scholarship year in Dearborn at uncle Henry F's with a bunch of unbelievably hospitable yanks :)
K- Kids: I wish. And but I would not imagine I would have the wisdom or wit make any kind of good mother unfortunately.
L- living arrangements: flatshare with a friend
M- Mom's name: could care less
N- names of children: I do not have any. Maybe I dreamed I had two boys called Marius and Darius, ha!
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: 3 heart procs: 2 cardioversions and a catheter ablation for persistent AF. 5 asthma inc collapsed lung after assault, two turtledoves and a partridge in a pear tree :) and but I am not dead yet and fully intend to live forever...
P- pet peeve: I try not to indulge them and but I am not a fan of people who only enter a discussion so they can WIN it. My pet joys are simply kindness, sincerity and chocolate
Q- quote from a movie: "I'll never let anybody put me in a cage." - Holly Golightly
R- right or left-handed: mostly right, depends what I am doing, ha!
S- sibling(s): no. wish I had a big brother sometimes though...
T- time you wake up: I never wake up. I am in permanent slumber. I did not much like living in mundane reality and so am happy to sleep through it all now... zzzz
U- underwear: LaSenza under overalls, sshhh, that is my secret ;)
V- vegetable you dislike: I love veg and but dislike almost all supermarket stuff and which is why I grow all my own, carrots, corn, toms, spinach, onions, garlic etc etc.
W- ways you run late: I need major help in the mornings and am never organised: bad hair, lost shoes, unironed shirts, no clean knives etc. and then we get the tourists @ Camden tube or punctures on the bike or assisting with riders down, I am almost always late
Y- yummy food you make: traditional foods: mititei, tocana, mamaliga and but I do a good Thai curry if anyone wants to try it I am open all hours
Z- zoo favorite: zoos make me sad. I would love one day if I were spared to see a polar bear in his natural setting
OK here goes I am bored as hell...

A- age: 50
B- bed size: California King
C- cat's name: Skibblers
D- date of importance: September 11 the day the towers fell and I lost a brother
E- essential start to your day: Doing a poomsae before breakfast
F- favorite color: Green
G- gold or silver: gold
H- height: 5'9"
I- instruments: guitar, Piano
J- job title: Math Teacher, Basketball coach and Martial Art instructor
K- Kids: three boys 15,12,11
L- living arrangements: Wife and sons
M- Mom's name: Venita
N- names of children: Zachary, Caleb and Michael
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: yes... alot
P- pet peeve: I hate the word Yea and I don't know
Q- quote from a movie: "Made it Ma! Top of the World!" James Cagney in White Heat
R- right or left-handed: right
S- sibling(s): William. Penny, Tammy and Frank
T- time you wake up: Between 4:30 and 5:00 every morning
U- underwear: yes
V- vegetable you dislike: mainly ... asparagus
W- ways you run late: Never
Y- yummy food you make: anything Italian
Z- zoo favorite: Tigers
A- age: 46
B- bed size: King
C- cat's name: Cat's are not pets, they are freeloaders
D- date of importance: Many. I'll say June 6th (D Day), October 25th 9 (Agincourt), May 1st (Fertility rites)
E- essential start to your day: If I say, I'll have to blush so I wont say :D
F- favorite color: Green
G- gold or silver: silver
H- height: 5'11" (not sure as my bike accident made me shorter :().
I- instruments: guitar (30 years), Piano (1 year when I was a kid)
J- job title: Implementation Engineer
K- Kids: Sadly, it appears the line stops here :(.
L- living arrangements: With my missus.
M- Mom's name: Not for me to broadcast on the web
N- names of children:
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: Two
P- pet peeve: Deliberate ignorance
Q- quote from a movie: "There's something in there that's weird and pissed off!" (The Thing)
R- right or left-handed: right
S- sibling(s): Two sisters
T- time you wake up: 7:30
U- underwear: yes
V- vegetable you dislike: Badly cooked cabbage
W- ways you run late: Waiting for my missus
Y- yummy food you make: powerful Indian curries
Z- zoo favorite: Not much for zoos (tho' I know they do good work these days). Turning this to favourite animal, I'd say Squirrel or Badger.
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You know, I never did the Introduce thing, so I may as well give some info here...

A- age: 32 (or 24 if the mood takes me...)
B- bed size: Too big for one, too small for 5
C- cat's name: Gaeshi (black and white); Shaherazade (grey and white, the best thing from a bad thing)
D- date of importance: Nicole, Amanda, Nathalie, Catherine, many others
E- essential start to your day: A kiss, a smile, and an offer to make me want to not start the day just yet.
F- favorite color: The colour of my current dates eyes (I always fall for pretty eyes)
G- gold or silver: Silver
H- height: Well, I can't dunk a basketball, but I can reach the top shelf...
I- instruments: Drums, guitar,bass, mandolin, keyboards (a bit, at least...), the hearts and minds of those around me...
J- job title: The enhancement of the lives of others (I sell stuff), and teacher of Martial Arts I guess.
K- Kids: Hey, I'm an uncle. My sister takes care of the Grandkid quotient, thanks.
L- living arrangements: Me and my two loving cats, always looking for another.
M- Mom's name: "Hey, I'm hungry"
N- names of children: In potentia? Zeus, Cassonova, Aphrodite. All to one if that's all I have.
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: I'm a guy, I don't een visit the doctor when my arm falls off, let alone a hospital!
P- pet peeve: The lack of skill found in regard to listening...
Q- quote from a movie: "Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul"... I'll leave people to figure that one out.
R- right or left-handed: I am not really sinister (ooh, cryptic)
S- sibling(s): One little baby sister (who has had 6 kids!)
T- time you wake up: Anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes after I meant to.
U- underwear: If it makes you more comfortable
V- vegetable you dislike: Yes, vegetabel I dislike (although that's not really very good English, you know)
W- ways you run late: Slowly
Y- yummy food you make: I make a great dial-up pizza...
Z- zoo favorite: Tooronga (Sydney), Melbourne Botanical Zoological Gardens.

Oh, and just for Jenna's sense of completion...
X -x-men: You know, it could be Deadpool, it could be Gambit, but it just has to be Logan. I want them claws!
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"Ash nazg durbatuluk ... " etc

We would prefer not to have such foul speach here, Mr. Parker :D. How about in a more noble language?

Corma turien te
Corma tuvien
Corma tultien te​
Huines se nutien
True, however I must obey the confines of the question, and this is how it is said in the film... apologies to any of Elvish blood offended by the Dark Tongue.
A- age: 39
B- bed size: Queen
C- cat's name: Ms Kitty (RIP-haven't been able to bring myself to get another one yet)
D- date of importance: 2/8/2008 the day I first met Shorty McSexybutt
E- essential start to your day: Whey protein shake
F- favorite color: black
G- gold or silver: Silver
H- height: 6" even
I- instruments: Alto sax in Jr. High...piddled around with guitar but suck at it
J- job title: Sales Support Manager
K- Kids: Only if I can give them back
L- living arrangements: Alone in a house I rarely see
M- Mom's name: Large Marge in Charge
N- names of children: no kids...but if I did probably Lazer, Sting, Deth, or Gamma...(last name is Ray heh)
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: 4 & 1/2 days about 2 weeks ago with a kidney stone lodged in my ureter. That SUCKED!
P- pet peeve: Ignorance, not stupidity. You can't fix stupid.
Q- quote from a movie: When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."
R- right or left-handed: Right
S- sibling(s): An older sister
T- time you wake up: 6AM
U- underwear: Boxer Briefs
V- vegetable you dislike: All of them
W- ways you run late: I don't
Y- yummy food you make: Pork Chops
Z- zoo favorite: Tigers
A- age: 35
B- bed size: Queen
C- cat's name: PJ, CC, Middy, Creamy, Kitty, Prissy, Patches, Kobe-RIP(he was my baby andI miss him)
D- date of importance: 9/22/2001(the day I married my soul-mate)
E- essential start to your day: IDS Multi-whey
F- favorite color: Grey
G- gold or silver: Silver
H- height: 6'3" and shrinking
I- instruments: Bass guitar and drums
J- job title: Personal Trainer
K- Kids: Yes
L- living arrangements: Own a duplex(want to sell and move to the country)
M- Mom's name: Rexann(but you can call her what you like)
N- names of children: Abby Lynn, Joshua Henry
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: 19 days for pneumonia at age 5
P- pet peeve: Smoking, Liberals
Q- quote from a movie: "I can say rat droppings, it does not mean I wish to eat them."
R- right or left-handed: Ambi-dextrous
S- sibling(s): Younger sister(don't talk to), Step-sister(don't talk to)
T- time you wake up: 4:45 am
U- underwear: Trunks
V- vegetable you dislike: Broccoli
W- ways you run late: Always early
Y- yummy food you make: Garlic-cheese bread
Z- zoo favorite: Tiger or Apes
A- age:49 in less than a month.
B- bed size: queen
C- cat's name: LUNCH. I'm strictly a dog person. There are two unnamed mousers in the yard that get replaced when an owl or coyote drags them off. Dogs: Griz, Pooh Bear and Little Miss
D- date of importance: 9/7/2002 wedding
E- essential start to your day: prayer and calisthenics
F- favorite color: royal purple, of course.
G- gold or silver: silver
H- height: 6'2"
I- instruments: guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin/fiddle, piano, harmonica, accordion, flute
J- job title: Mad scientist
K- Kids: 2
L- living arrangements: own homes.
M- Mom's name:Carol
N- names of children: Aaron Jeffrey III, Sara Meredith
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: Good god, yes.
P- pet peeve: incompetence
Q- quote from a movie: "I''m in Pittsburgh, and it's raining"
R- right or left-handed: right
S- sibling(s): Younger brother, two younger sisters-one deceased.
T- time you wake up: 3:30 am
U- underwear: boxer-briefs
V- vegetable you dislike: none
W- ways you run late: That's my other pet peeve, so I don't.
X-X-man: Wolverine, of course
Y- yummy food you make: Curries, Italian, Barbecue-everything I cook is yummy.
Z- zoo favorite: Don't care for zoos at all
A- age: 39
B- bed size: Queen
C- cat's name: None currently... Marmalade, Jasmine, Tiki, Spook - RIP
D- date of importance: Aug 9th, Aug 26th, Apr 10
E- essential start to your day: Scalding-hot shower, occasionally after a workout
F- favorite color: Green
G- gold or silver: Gold
H- height: 6'
I- instruments: Does Guitar Hero count? If not, I'll go with "bo"
J- job title: Scientist (not mad yet)
K- Kids: 2 girls
L- living arrangements: with wife & girls
M- Mom's name: Biological: Nancy, Emotional: Marie
N- names of children: Gabrielle, Lianna
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: Pneumonia - 1997.
P- pet peeve: like, I really like can't stand it when people like say the word "like" out of like context
Q- quote from a movie: "I'm your Huckleberry" (Tombstone)
R- right or left-handed: Right
S- sibling(s): 3 older brothers, 1 sister, 2 older step-sisters, 1 older step-brother
T- time you wake up: 6 am
U- underwear: boxers
V- vegetable you dislike: brocolli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower
W- ways you run late: No
X- X-man: Wolverine... always has been
Y- yummy food you make: Make a kick-*** rizotto
Z- zoo favorite: Beluga whales at Seaworld
A- age: 41
B- bed size: queen
C- cat's name: Bezoar (pronounced "Bez-war"; we called him "Bezzie." RIP, ol' buddy... I won't be having any more cats because I'm allergic. He was a Special Case)
D- date of importance: today.
E- essential start to your day: shower
F- favorite color: I don't have a favorite color. And it really depends on the object.
G- gold or silver: gold
H- height: 6'
I- instruments: guitar, bass
J- job title: city editor; county editor
K- Kids: yep
L- living arrangements: with a wonderful girlfriend
M- Mom's name: not wise to divulge on the Internet
N- names of children: not wise to divulge on the Internet
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: Yep. Jaw was mashed with a crowbar.
P- pet peeve: temporary depending on the moment
Q- quote from a movie: "Let me think ..." (extra points if you can identify what movie that is from... Kwan Jang doesn't get to play for the extra points because I KNOW he knows the answer...)
R- right or left-handed: right
S- sibling(s): two of each, all younger
T- time you wake up: when the second alarm goes off
U- underwear: yep
V- vegetable you dislike: I dislike them all about the same :)
W- ways you run late: last minute trip to the restroom before heading out the door
Y- yummy food you make: I have a great red sauce...
Z- zoo favorite: Do I have to pick just ONE?
A- age: 41

Q- quote from a movie: "Let me think ..." (extra points if you can identify what movie that is from... Kwan Jang doesn't get to play for the extra points because I KNOW he knows the answer...)

Don't think! is like a finger pointing to the moon. Concentrate on the moon not on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.....
A- age: 38
B- bed size: Dunno, ladies, what size is yours, and can I borrow it for the night?
C- cat's name: "General Tso" or "Orange Chicken"
D- date of importance: 9-12-71, they don't get more important than that.
E- essential start to your day: Waking up alive is an essential start to my day.
F- favorite color: black
G- gold or silver: Silver
H- height: 5-11
I- instruments: Of what? Destruction? Yes please.
J- job title: Technical Support Specialist
K- Kids: Stay Crunchy in milk.
L- living arrangements: I rent a house I own from someone I sold it to who is selling it back to me. Swear to god.
M- Mom's name: I don't have a mom.
N- names of children: There are whole books of these, don't ask me what to help you pick out names, Breeder.
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: I stay overnight at the hospital every monday and tuesday. Stupid jobs.
P- pet peeve: Politics. People are so... argh.
Q- quote from a movie: All right, look, there's only one "Return," okay, and it ain't "of the King," it's "of the Jedi."
R- right or left-handed: Right
S- sibling(s): Yes, have some.
T- time you wake up: whenever is convenient.
U- underwear: Boxer Briefs
V- vegetable you dislike: Rush Limbaugh
W- ways you run late: I'm almost always early for everything.
Y- yummy food you make: Chili
Z- zoo favorite: Monkieghs.
Hey Caver :) I think there are maybe too many questions for our busy chatters: 25 (what happened to X? X-Kan, or xylophone tunes, or x-rays, or X-Men?) and but I am happy to play since I have nobody here to amuse me this morning :) and tell me what is regrettable about 47???
Wait til you get to that age and you'll know what I mean.

Oh for the ones that are TOO busy they can copy paste anyone's and highlight and write over the answers with their own answers... then copy/paste and put it here... when they have the time.
Nobody said you HAVE to do this at one sitting. :uhyeah:
A- age: 36
B- bed size: queen and use every bit of it
C- cat's name: target?
D- date of importance: 04/21/96 Father's Day.
E- essential start to your day:check email, news online,
F- favorite color: black
G- gold or silver: gold
H- height: 5'11"
I- instruments: none
J- job title: Not HMFIC
K- Kids: One
L- living arrangements: with Dad (as a caretaker)and son
M- Mom's name:Susan
N- names of children: Nicholas
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: not yet
P- pet peeve: cutesy misspellings
Q- quote from a movie: Let's go, while we're young
R- right or left-handed: right
S- sibling(s): Debby, Marlin, Valerie
T- time you wake up:Varies
U- underwear: briefs, Hanes comfort
V- vegetable you dislike: celery
W- ways you run late: I am NEVER late
Y- yummy food you make: Ribs
Z- zoo favorite: Bears
A- age: 40
B- bed size: expandable
C- cat's name: Franklin
D- date of importance: the day I was born, other wise there wouldn't be me!
E- essential start to your day: snuggling with the cat
F- favorite color: black
G- gold or silver: gold
H- height: Not Very
I- instruments: guitar and a few others
J- job title: Enginerd
K- Kids: None
L- living arrangements: With the cat. He's easy.
M- Mom's name:Moooomm!!
N- names of children: n/a
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: I have surgery 7 or 8 times a year, just for the drugs...LOL!
P- pet peeve: people with no sense of humor at all
Q- quote from a movie: "Next time someone asks you if you're a god, say yes!"
R- right or left-handed: Center
S- sibling(s): I lost count once the number got over 40.
T- time you wake up: When its light out.
U- underwear: Sometimes
V- vegetable you dislike: cabbage
W- ways you run late: Why? Wanna make me late for something? ;)
Y- yummy food you make: reservations
Z- zoo favorite: Tigers
A- age: 42
B- bed size: queensize
C- cat's name: Tiana Marie (19 years old) and David Allen (9 years old)
D- date of importance: Lots of them. Depends upon topic. Plus there are the dates in history before my life and then I am sure there will be days inteh future to remember as well.
E- essential start to your day: OJ in the morning.
F- favorite color: Blue
G- gold or silver: Silver
H- height: 6'3"
I- instruments: Texas? Ok, Scales, Micrometers, volt meters, and verisous instruments of destruction. ;)
J- job title: Embedded Controls Lead Design Engineer - Currently on Special Assignment to the Assistant Chief Engineer (ACE) (* I have been using informally the title of Designated DSE like Designated Hitter, or various titles with ACE that lead to DACE, LACE, SPAACE, etcetera. I do nto get hung up on titles.
K- Kids: I like them. My friends kids call me Uncle as I am there for holidays and birthdays as well as for my real Nephews and Nieces.
L- living arrangements: Single
M- Mom's name: I would prefer to list Motivation: To have a nice day.
N- names of children: Hmmm?!? two questions about kids and children, me thinks the topic questions are slanted.
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: I have stayed over night for broken arm, and lots fo nights in ER just getting checked out. A couple fo other times when I was younger. But I do believe in Big Brother and do want to list my medical history in detail. ;)
P- pet peeve: Well Tiana my Pet gets peeved when people she does not know try to pet her. She is very anti-social in this manner. For me it might be delays.
Q- quote from a movie: "Too bad she will not live, but then who really does?" - Blade Runner
R- right or left-handed: Yes
S- sibling(s): Brother, Step Brother and Sister, and what some call friends, but we have been through so much with families, loss of parents and spouses and being there for each other and calling each other brother deserves being mentioned as well, as they sometimes have a bigger influence then the actual family.
T- time you wake up: Is it important? I wake up in time to get to where I need to be. ;)
U- underwear: Boxers
V- vegetable you dislike: Green Peppers.
W- ways you run late: Idiots who stop for green lights, etcetera, stopping to help people in need, Ok I am confused by this question. What is the real point?
X- X Factor(* Insert X here *): Xynon a great pinball game from the 80's I enjoyed playing a lot.
Y- yummy food you make: I can make a nice hand tossed Pizza (* given granite oven *), and easy mexican dishes sch as nachos and tacos.
Z- zoo favorite: I once pet a tiger and also a lion at the Detroit zoo. Of course the animals were close to a cage opening and their tails were outside and I reached over and pet them. But while I was able to do so without upsetting them, others ended up pissing them off after seeing me and trying on their own. I also like the big bears.
A- age: 32
B- bed size: queen
C- cat's name: lynny (short for lynyrd skynyrd)
D- date of importance: uh...i'm bad with dates.
E- essential start to your day: caffeine
F- favorite color: blue
G- gold or silver: silver
H- height: 5'10"
I- instruments: bass, guitar, bit of others
J- job title: team member. any time your title is "team member", you know it's a crap job.
K- Kids: oh god no.
L- living arrangements: roommates with a married couple
M- Mom's name: virginia
N- names of children: captain (chow/rotti) & lynny, the aforementioned cat.
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: none, been very lucky.
P- pet peeve: confrontation & aggression
Q- quote from a movie: "a plan is just a list of things that don't happen"--the way of the gun
R- right or left-handed: right
S- sibling(s): older brother
T- time you wake up: 3 or 4am during the week
U- underwear: boxers or boxer-briefs
V- vegetable you dislike: green peppers
W- ways you run late: too long in the bath room.
X- X Factor(* Insert X here *): xylophone; my otherwise completely un-artistic dad was at one time very good on the xylophone, i wish he had kept it.
Y- yummy food you make: i make badass toast. i'm serious.
Z- zoo favorite: MONKEYS!!!!!!!!

A- age: 26
B- bed size: I don't know. Big enough
C- cat's name: Cloud
D- date of importance: Currently, the 8th of every month
E- essential start to your day: extra sleep
F- favorite color: gray
G- gold or silver: I want both
H- height: Don't remember, but I'm taller then most
I- instruments: none
J- job title: Package Handler
K- Kids: Usually go well with butter
L- living arrangements: Married roommates
M- Mom's name: Lorraine
N- names of children:
O- overnight hospital stays other than birth: Broke an arm once, and had a collapsed lung twice
P- pet peeve: Constant lack of money to afford Martial Arts training, and a couple of other personal flaws I'm trying to get rid of
Q- quote from a movie: "I have a key." Rock from Black Mask
R- right or left-handed: Left handed, and proud of it. But when sparing I can lead with either side
S- sibling(s): None
T- time you wake up: When possible, I don't get up until I'm no longer tired
U- underwear: Yes
V- vegetable you dislike: Don't like any of them, but I have a deep, personal hatred of the onion
W- ways you run late: When I miss the bus
X- Men: Nightcrawler
Y- yummy food you make: Cornbread
Z- zoo favorite: Use to like the Penguins when I was little. But I don't anymore, their little area is cold, and smells bad

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