ABCNEWS holding on to new Terror tape

Phoenix44 said:
rmcrobertson, peach monkey, I don't know how you do it. I guess you're better than I am.

I'm just a glutton for punishment.

Actually, I still have this asinine dream of a world where people learn about facts and history, apply those concepts to their personal philosophy, engage in frank but open dialogue with people of all beliefs, and work together for the common good of society.

This optimism drains out of me day-by-day, however.
Phoenix44 said:
With known Al Qaeda cells in Canada
Would you be able to point me towards some resources to find out more about this? I have heard this on more than one occasion from Americans, and yet here in Canada we've heard nothing about it. I'm curious what IS known. And if it's public knowledge in the US, as a Canadian, I'd appreciate learning who they are and where they live so I can move FAR AWAY from them.
After doing a google search, I've been able to find many editorials implying that Canada is crawling with terrorists, but very few news stories - and all of those are about the same 2 men. Sorry about my laziness previously. I should have tried myself first!
raedyn said:
After doing a google search, I've been able to find many editorials implying that Canada is crawling with terrorists, but very few news stories - and all of those are about the same 2 men. Sorry about my laziness previously. I should have tried myself first!
I assume you found the articles on Al Qaida terrorists operating in Canada who have already been apprehended: Ahmed Ressam, Fateh Kamel, Mokhtar Haouari, Samir Ait Mohamed, Mourad Ikhlef, Adel Tobbichi, Mohammed Mansour Jabarah. There are certainly "news" stories, as opposed to "editorials." There's a news story, for instance, in the Toronto Star, 12/17/02.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, terrorists have used Canada as a base for "fundraising, lobbying through front organizations, providing support for terrorist operations...procuring weapons and materiel, coercing and manipulating immigrant communities, facilitating transit to and from the U.S. and other countries, and other illegal activities."

There is also a great deal of discussion about terrorist cells and counter-terrorism activity in Canada in the Parliament's transcripts, and in the reports of the SIRC and RCMP. You can look these up on their websites. Needless to say, a lot of their material is labelled "classified."
As a Canadian, there is something here that I would like to clarify regarding this statement,

Phoenix44 said:
With known Al Qaeda cells in Canada, there is only one border patrol agent for every five miles of our northern border.
which was used to support your concern for your safety, regarding the policies of your incumbent in the fast approaching election.

Bear in mind that though this may be the case, according to your own source
According to an August 2002 report of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), "Â… with the possible exception of the United States, there are more international terrorist organizations active in Canada than anywhere in the world.
They may be here, but they're there too.
PeachMonkey said:
I'm just a glutton for punishment.

Actually, I still have this asinine dream of a world where people learn about facts and history, apply those concepts to their personal philosophy, engage in frank but open dialogue with people of all beliefs, and work together for the common good of society.

This optimism drains out of me day-by-day, however.
The sticking point being the "open dialogue" and "work together" parts....In my experience things degenerate into "these are the facts and you are an idiot if you dont agree with me" kind of quickly.
Tgace said:
The sticking point being the "open dialogue" and "work together" parts....In my experience things degenerate into "these are the facts and you are an idiot if you dont agree with me" kind of quickly.

Admittedly, it's incredibly frustrating when proponents of a particular point of view discount information and facts simply because it doesn't hold to their world view -- or simply bow out of a discussion when presented with data that contradicts their beliefs.
No, it's a statement of fact. Let's poll the terrorists and see who they prefer. Then ask them why.

Sure. Call them up. John Ashcroft can give you a list, I'm sure.

Note that most Iraqi's with any opinion on the subject support Kerry:

Oh please, let's not get into Mr. Kerry's time in Vietnam. Swift Boat Veteran's for Truth? Ring a bell. As for betraying his countries principles and constitution, he did that when he returned from Vietnam, and started his "Anti-war" political future. What about the soldiers in Vietnam he betrayed?

Where have you been? We debunked the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" claims in another thread. The press had a field day with those we did.

As for "betraying" the Viet vets...he didn't. Neither did he betray this country's principles and constitution. He drew attention to a disasterous foreign policy that supported a corrupt government. He, among others, pointed out the immoral military policies and tactics that killed millions of Vietnamese civilians. Things like Free Fire Zones...Operation Phoenix...Tiger Force...My Lai...

Ring a bell?

Ah, this is not a liberal vs conservative issue.

You're a significant number of conservatives are openly endorsing Kerry. See the following as one example:

This is about a guy who can't clearly define what his position is on any one thing.

The "Flip-Flopper" charge is answered best by Scott McConnell, of the American Conservative magazine, whose article I list above:

"The flip-flopper charge—the centerpiece of the Republican campaign against Kerry—seems overdone, as Kerry’s contrasting votes are the sort of baggage any senator of long service is likely to pick up. (Bob Dole could tell you all about it.)"

There are a lot of things I don't like about Bush at all, but at least I have an idea about what he truly believes.

Which is part of the problem...the man appears to be delusional. Perhaps he's playing to that section of the electorate that is ill informed and incapable of thinking about issues of any complexity.


Flatlander said:
As a Canadian, there is something here that I would like to clarify regarding this statement...They may be here, but they're there too.
I'm not sure what your point is. Of course they're here. That's why we had 9/11 in the first place. Regarding Canada, I was referring specifically to a question of another poster and backing up my statement--it was not a condemnation of Canada.

MY point was to illustrate the hypocrisy of our president and vice president, who insist that they are the better candidates for our security, when they have made us LESS safe for MANY reasons. Hypocrisy. It's like insulting another person's military service when you had five deferments yourself. Or claiming that you're following the teachings of Jesus when you steal from the poor and kill for your own aims. Or condemning stem cell research until it would benefit your own family. See?
Jeff Boler said:
From the Drudgereport...

Wow, anyone else surprised? Five outta five terrorists agree, John Kerry for President.
Why should I care about what a terrorist thinks about the race for Presidency of the US? Their goals for this country ( i.e. complete destruction ) are in total opposition to mine.
Back to the topic.....

A U.S. intelligence official said it is possible the tape was produced by an al Qaeda unit called Sahab Production Committee because the video bears the committee's recognizable logo and has been edited and spliced. The official called it "classic al Qaeda propaganda" and said the man on the tape even brings up the issue of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.
Clearly ABC is being overly cautious. alQaeda has long been concerned with the gay marriage issue in Massachuesetts. I wouldn't be suspicious in the least.

Ross and other ABC staffers say they believe that a Bush administration official leaked the story to Internet gossip Matt Drudge as a way of pressuring the network into airing the tape, which would heighten concerns about terrorism in the final week of the president's reelection campaign. They note that whoever gave the information to Drudge had a transcript of the tape.

October Surprise on the way....
Spud said:
Nice bumper sticker material, but how about an actual traceable endorsement? I have one: What's you view on Iran (remember the Axis of Evil) endorsing Bush?

Iran is supporting CHENEY as much as Bush. Both men overlook Halliburton's loophole investments in Iran.

For those that don't would be illegal for Halliburton to have any business dealings in Iran, as they are under sanctions what with being supporters of terrorism and part of the "Axis of Evil" and all. Under Cheney Halliburton established ghost subsidiaries in the Caribbean that allow Halliburton to avoid U.S. taxes and set up dealings with the Iranians.


Spud said:
but how about an actual traceable endorsement?
I gave you an actual traceable endorsement yesterday in my 3:07 post when I said:

As far as I know, the only actual endorsement of a candidate by a terrorist organization was by Abu Hafs al-Masri, the Al Qaeda-linked group responsible for the Madrid bombings last March. Their statement, which is believed to be authentic, said "We are very keen that Bush does not lose the upcoming elections," because Bush's "idiocy and religious fanaticism" would "wake up" the Islamic world.
Phoenix44 said:
I gave you an actual traceable endorsement yesterday in my 3:07 post when I said:
Indeed you did. However, I was looking for an endorsement of Kerry by terrorists. The administration is working overtime to convince us that Kerry is Bin Ladin's bia#ch, but We've seen nothing except bumper sticker fodder regarding that claim.
So I saw a bit of this tape on CBC news last night. The guy is actually American. You can't make out any real facial features because he's got his head covered up. Basically, that's all I got. No dialogue to report.
Jeff Boler said:
From the Drudgereport...

Wow, anyone else surprised? Five outta five terrorists agree, John Kerry for President.
By the way ... from a more credible source concerning terrorists desires:

excerpt said:
A week after the Madrid attack, the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, which claims to act on behalf of al-Qaida, claimed responsibility for the bombing and declared a truce in Spain to see if the new government would withdraw its troops from Iraq, but warned that it was gearing up for new attacks.

This part of the declaration was widely reported. However, very few mentioned the more ominous part of that declaration, short of excerpts which were reported by the BBC and Reuters.

The declaration turned its attention to President Bush, saying: "A word for the foolish Bush. We are very keen that you do not lose in the forthcoming elections as we know very well that any big attack can bring down your government and this is what we do not want.

"We cannot get anyone who is more foolish than you, who deals with matters with force instead of wisdom and diplomacy.

"Your stupidity and religious extremism is what we want as our people will not awaken from their deep sleep except when there is an enemy.

"Kerry will kill our nation while it sleeps because he and the Democrats have the cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and Muslim nation as civilisation.

"Because of this we desire you [Bush] to be elected."

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