AAU qualifier Texas Results


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Well the tournament is over and it was a great tournament, got to meet ACEHBK and he is a really nice gentleman, thank you for the converstation sir.

Well here are my school results:
My son's Zachary 3 gold, caleb 1 gold 2 silver, Michael 3 gold they do both Olympic and point fighting.
The rest of the club out of a possible 34 medals came home with 26 gold, 6 silver and 2 bronze not bad for a one day tournament, they all qualified for the National in Knoxville TN in July so that was a blessing by itself.

Once again It was a pleasure to meet one of our member there.
Terry Lee Stoker
Twin Dragons Tae Kwon Do
HKphooey said:
Congrats to you children. Way to go!

Do you know how ACEHBK made out?

Yes but I thought I let him tell everybody later today when he goes online.
Way to go for the instructor too, you must be doing something right! Congrats to you and all your students. TW
Congrats to Terry & your competitors. Well deserved applause for students & instructor.:-partyon:
*Jen respectfully bows and offers much congratulations.

Wow, congratulations Terry!!! Those results are outstanding!!

Keep up the awesome work, your students are lucky to have such a dedicated and knowledgable instructor!
tkd_jen said:
*Jen respectfully bows and offers much congratulations.

Wow, congratulations Terry!!! Those results are outstanding!!

Keep up the awesome work, your students are lucky to have such a dedicated and knowledgable instructor!

Jen I appreciate the Bow but no need, I should bow to each and every student I have they carry the borden of making me look good. My only hope in life is to make a change in someone's life!
I had the great pleasure of meeting Terry and he is a great guy and I hope everyone in the future at some points gets to meet him.
His students are great MA and did a heck of a job at the tournament.
Be on the look out for all of them.

I on the other hand after all the nervousness DIDNT even get to spar.
I was the only person in the adult advanced division so automatic first place and that was that. I thought there would have been a lot but I was mistaken. Oh well there will be other tournaments.
AceHBK when you come over we will have people for you to spare and the Pro-tech will have some to!
AceHBK said:
I had the great pleasure of meeting Terry and he is a great guy and I hope everyone in the future at some points gets to meet him.
His students are great MA and did a heck of a job at the tournament.
Be on the look out for all of them.

I on the other hand after all the nervousness DIDNT even get to spar.
I was the only person in the adult advanced division so automatic first place and that was that. I thought there would have been a lot but I was mistaken. Oh well there will be other tournaments.

I'm sorry you didn't get to spar, Ace. I know the feeling. I took some students to a big tournament (1000+ competitors) in Vegas & a few had noone to fight. But, I'm sure meeting Terry was worth it all.:ultracool
I will say yes, it was worth it to meet Terry. If you all dont know he is very passionate about TKD and his students and it really shows. His students are lucky to have such a great Master.

Terry, I am looking forward to both of your tournaments.
One thing I must say about your students is how great their technique is.

Iceman, I know I would have been upset to go all the way to Vegas and not have anyone to spar. Thank goodness the Vegas strip could cure any free time I would have had. :) 1000 competitors is alot.
As if we need more proof that Terry is a modest gentleman: I copied this from another thread:

"Sheldon that is great, you are right it is about the student, but the guideness is all you! Your teaching is what brings out the best in the students once again congrats to you and the students.

So, yeah, back at ya Terry!!;)
tkd_jen said:
As if we need more proof that Terry is a modest gentleman: I copied this from another thread:

"Sheldon that is great, you are right it is about the student, but the guideness is all you! Your teaching is what brings out the best in the students once again congrats to you and the students.

So, yeah, back at ya Terry!!;)

Thank you TKD jen, I was very fortunate to have great instructors in my life and also have such great people involved with me today.

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