A Writer With Questions


White Belt
Dec 25, 2012
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I'm Hyaena, and I am in the process ot doing research for a novel. I am looking for someone well-versed in Silat to help me understand some of the basics.

While Silat itself is not the main focus of this work, it has a heavy impact on the main character. I want to portray the art in the most respectful and accurate manner possible. I don't want to create a 'Hollywood' version of Silat. I want to do the best I can to be faithful to the art and what it represents.

I have gotten some good reference material already in the form of being pointed toward Stephen Perry's writings. However, nothing can replace speaking with an actual practitioner, one on one. I am hopeful that someone here will be able to take the time out and talk with me about this a bit, so I can make this novel the best it can be. I can't offer money, but I absolutely will give a copy of the completed work to the person that assists me. The novel itself is post-apocalyptic supernatural horror.

Thank you in advance, and may all have a safe and happy New Year.
Hi Hyaena, great to see you on Martial Talk. Firstly, I've practised Silat for over seven years now, and don't feel that I can help you. This is for a couple of reasons:

1. Silat is an extremely diverse and cultural set of martial arts. My form of silat is quite modern, based on Indonesian silat and Chinese martial art
2. I've never visited Indonesia, though I hope to one day, and I believe this is key to having a proper appreciation of silat.
3. I am guessing that your main character is Indonesian, and thus there is an entire cultural divide that a westerner such as myself can only hope to properly appreciate with time.

Many books on Indonesian culture talk about silat and its role in society. In addition, Don Draeger's book on Silat may also assist you. I will PM you a couple of paragraphs that I think may be a good starting point. Good luck with your book. If you have any specific questions that I might be able to assist you with, please post them here. Salam
Thank you for the suggestion! I will buy the book you quoted from as soon as possible.

The protagonist is not himself Indonesian, but his mentor is, and there are some conflicts and differences in world view between the two that form an important part of the early parts of the story. All very, very good points that you mentioned. I have not been to Indonesia, but I have seen Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines while I was in the Navy. Indeed, seeing a little Silat while out there is what compelled me to use it for this novel.