I just got beck from a small tournament in N.H. Only about 10 schools or so where represented with maybe 15 - 20 people or less being there from each school ( except the host school for this is one of their annual get together).
I must say that it is (and always has been) a well run tournament with all parts running smoothly. Competition was great and I only saw one instance all day where I thought someone might have deserved to take a trophy and did not. The young man did a hard tension form and was not given the scores I thought he should have but that is always a personal things and subject to the judges point of view. All in all I think everyone was happy most of the day.
There was one surprise that occurred just as the Black Belt meeting began. I heard the announcement and looked at my son Charlie and asked if he was going to get off his *** and attend the meeting. Now you have to understand he has never worn anything but a white belt in class or in public before. He never wanted or asked for ranking and it was never questioned as to what rank he was he simply competed where he was told and no one ever questioned it. So to make a long story short I had him get a belt , that just happened to be in my bag, and put it on for the first time and attend the meeting. I know he felt out of place and self conscious but what the hell it had to happen some time.
We also made plans to attend the summer camp given by the host school for their students (again one of their large in system events) and where surprised to learn that it had been discussed by a few of their ranking Black Belts that we are going to be given a slot to teach or we will be working with some of the people on a one to one bases . That should be interesting. I guess I can fell that cold coming on already and should start getting ready to let my boss know IÂ’m going to be sick for a couple days.
I must say that it is (and always has been) a well run tournament with all parts running smoothly. Competition was great and I only saw one instance all day where I thought someone might have deserved to take a trophy and did not. The young man did a hard tension form and was not given the scores I thought he should have but that is always a personal things and subject to the judges point of view. All in all I think everyone was happy most of the day.
There was one surprise that occurred just as the Black Belt meeting began. I heard the announcement and looked at my son Charlie and asked if he was going to get off his *** and attend the meeting. Now you have to understand he has never worn anything but a white belt in class or in public before. He never wanted or asked for ranking and it was never questioned as to what rank he was he simply competed where he was told and no one ever questioned it. So to make a long story short I had him get a belt , that just happened to be in my bag, and put it on for the first time and attend the meeting. I know he felt out of place and self conscious but what the hell it had to happen some time.
We also made plans to attend the summer camp given by the host school for their students (again one of their large in system events) and where surprised to learn that it had been discussed by a few of their ranking Black Belts that we are going to be given a slot to teach or we will be working with some of the people on a one to one bases . That should be interesting. I guess I can fell that cold coming on already and should start getting ready to let my boss know IÂ’m going to be sick for a couple days.