A school without rank belts: would you train there?

Daniel, I was more than content to let it rest. You asked the question in post #97, I followed up with my answer. Don't ask a question if you don't want an answer. The caps weren't designed as a 'shout' but so the point(s) I was making would not be lost. Take it as you wish.

Clarification appreciated. :) Apologies for jumping to conclusions.

This concludes my interest and/or involvement in this thread. I have stated my thoughts on the matter, and I have stood behind those thoughts. They may be taken or left as the individual desires. See you in some other thread, on some other topic.
Indeed you have. Your participation is appreciated.

Like I said, the Sashes were important. Hung Gar (and many other arts) use a dynamic tension type breathing in training which puts a great deal of pressure on the intestines. The sash serves the purpose of holding your intestines in place during training.
Ok...but is the color of the sash important? While the sash has a functional purpose in training, do you use color sashes to show rank?
Ok...but is the color of the sash important? While the sash has a functional purpose in training, do you use color sashes to show rank?

Some schools use a sash color ranking system similar to the karate belt system. Others use a phase training system, with four training phases with several forms in each (Sparing progressively harder and longer with continued training.). Hung Gar has no official ranking system as a style, you simply train, practice and learn. Traditionally, one would spend from several months to as much as three years perfecting stances before learning forms and techniques, then the first form was Gung Gee Fook Fu which contains the years of tiger system knowledge of Hung Hei Goon. Things had to change somewhat for modern times and American students, and they continue to change today. I have saw Hung Gar schools with as many as 7 different rank colors with children having added ranks or half forms required for some rank. On the other side I know of schools that have only Students and Teachers (White and Black), though all teachers are also students. So, to answer your question, it would depend on the school. Some use color sash ranking while others do not.