A Royal Visit


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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We've been kept busy at work this week but it's been worth it.The Queen came to Catterick to present the Elizabeth Medal to the relatives of soldiers from the Queens Royal Lancers killed in action. It's the regiments 250th anniversary (they were some of the Lancers in the Charge of the Light Brigade), the Queen is Colonel in Chief. It's the first time too that she has presented the medal herself. The first Elizabeth Medal was presented to Mrs Upton, who's husband, from the Royal Artillery also based in Catterick, was buried here three weeks ago.
The sun shone brilliantly for once showing the Lancers off on their horses to their very best and the presentation of the medals in private by the Queen was very emotional. It was a fitting day for heroes.

Salute to all, standing and fallen :asian:
I have some of them as students in Tang Soo do, I will pass your kind comments on. They are due back out to Afghanistan in spring next year so am trying to cram a lot into a little time so they can practice out there. Any advice more than welcome, I'm thinking of videoing lessons to send out, it would be better than nothing for six months.