A question on names.

Don, you certainly bring up some important points to consider. Your opinion is to leave it as it is?
A recent conversation I had reminded me of this point : "Hatsumi changed the name of the art from Ninjutsu to "Budo Taijutsu" because of the negative image the ninja portray" and suggested that a way to keep things more on track might be to rename this section.

Other than Ninjutsu, is there a common, well known term to describe the art used by BujinKan, Genbukan and JinenKan?

There are many arts taught by these schools. I do not think any one name could collectively summarize it.

Would doing this help remove problem areas and allow this section to function with minimal issues?

Perhaps if the term Ninjutsu was removed, there would be less newbies quick to jump in and get squashed.

I was looking at the list of forums in the JMA section:

Japanese Martial Arts - General
Jujutsu / Judo
Ninjutsu - General Discussion
Ninjutsu - Traditional Ryu Discussions
JMA From Around the Web

I think having 2 Ninjutsu forums makes the JMA section look too Ninjutsu centric. And as far as I know, there are no Ninjutsu schools out there. There are schools that may have elements of Ninjutsu in them, but other than using it (or Ninpo) in some of the names, it is not the sole focus of the school.

I think the 2 Ninjutsu forums would be better merged into one, named after the 3 organizations. The -kan prefix is also misleading because there are many other organizations out there that use -kan in their name.

My .02
There are many arts taught by these schools. I do not think any one name could collectively summarize it.

Perhaps if the term Ninjutsu was removed, there would be less newbies quick to jump in and get squashed.

I was looking at the list of forums in the JMA section:

Japanese Martial Arts - General
Jujutsu / Judo
Ninjutsu - General Discussion
Ninjutsu - Traditional Ryu Discussions
JMA From Around the Web

I think having 2 Ninjutsu forums makes the JMA section look too Ninjutsu centric. And as far as I know, there are no Ninjutsu schools out there. There are schools that may have elements of Ninjutsu in them, but other than using it (or Ninpo) in some of the names, it is not the sole focus of the school.

I think the 2 Ninjutsu forums would be better merged into one, named after the 3 organizations. The -kan prefix is also misleading because there are many other organizations out there that use -kan in their name.

My .02

We actually did have just one Ninjutsu forum and just recently split them to facilitate good discussion rather than evey inane question coming into the Traditional section.

I am definately interested in what Don pointed out. Those were some very, very good points.
A recent conversation I had reminded me of this point : "Hatsumi changed the name of the art from Ninjutsu to "Budo Taijutsu" because of the negative image the ninja portray" and suggested that a way to keep things more on track might be to rename this section.

Other than Ninjutsu, is there a common, well known term to describe the art used by BujinKan, Genbukan and JinenKan?

Would doing this help remove problem areas and allow this section to function with minimal issues?

1. Hatsumi Sensei did not call it "Ninjutsu" as far as I recall. Matter of fact, my bujinkan shodan rank was for "Ninpo Taijutsu"

2. I prefer using the name "Ninpo Taijutsu" or just plain "Ninpo" instead of X-kan or Takamatsu-den.
I say just leave it. No need to over-complicate things.
"ninjutsu" while not 100% accurate is a fine, long-standing nickname and it serves the purpose.

How about after enough people make alternate suggestions, someone make a poll and we'll all vote?