A Question about Moy Yats books


White Belt
I and many more are in search of Moy Yats books. I am looking for the one on the Wooden Dummy but it is out of print. I was wondering why some of these people who have the books don't scan the pages into an ebook. The books are out of print so who would have a problem with it. It's not like anyone is reproducing these books. Would anyone be willing to do this? Thank You for Your time. Be Well.

. . . . . I was wondering why some of these people who have the books don't scan the pages into an ebook. The books are out of print so who would have a problem with it. It's not like anyone is reproducing these books. . . .

Scanning and posting it would be a violation of the copywrite laws, that's why. Even if it is out of print, it's still illegal to do so. Only the company or person who owns the copywrite can authorize its reproduction in any way.
Scanning and posting it would be a violation of the copywrite laws, that's why. Even if it is out of print, it's still illegal to do so. Only the company or person who owns the copywrite can authorize its reproduction in any way.
Zepedawingchun is correct.
I have an autographed copy of Moy Yat's green colored dummy book somewhere in my boxes. But I don't want to look for it or sell it. It's an ok book.

joy chaudhuri
Well that seems to be the point but also because Kungfu-videos no longer carries any merchandise. I would like to know who owns the copyrights. Maybe if someone was able to contact this person maybe they can be convinced to either republish the books or offer them as ebooks but the problem is the same nobody knows how to contact them is it possible they are no longer alive
to ask. What constitutes public domain? Has anyone contacted Moy Yats people about this. So if not all the infromation contained in those pages are lost because nobody can or well share them. Sad in my opinion. Its not like I want the info for free I am offering to pay. I just want the information and so do many others. As for the Book on the dummy. Is there a difference in the dummy plans in Moy Yats book and the free plans from the internet. The info on the dummy is all I am wanting.

Thank You
. . . . . . I would like to know who owns the copyrights. Maybe if someone was able to contact this person maybe they can be convinced to either republish the books or offer them as ebooks but the problem is the same nobody knows how to contact them is it possible they are no longer alive
to ask.

Most likely the publishing company. And I doubt they can be convinced to re-print the book(s) to sell 10 to 20 copies only. Unless you can convince them they would make millions re-printing the book(s), I doubt they will. I think you're just out of luck there.

The best thing to do is do an online search for the books at Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, Amazon, or any book vendor (large and small) to find a copy. Sometimes Amazon will list a used copy of a book being sold by a private owner or a small book company.
Yeah I guess I am out of luck because I don't have anyway to contact the publishing company because I don't know who they are so I guess I asked for nothing. Oh Well it was worth asking. The funny thing is an ebook doesn't have to be published they would only have to scan it then sell the download rights and for thhose who think you can copy all ebooks and redistribute them there are ways arround that too. Oh well I think I will do like everyone else I know of and just give up. The information is lost just like my cause. I thank everyone for there help. At least we tried ..Thanks again.
Yeah I guess I am out of luck because I don't have anyway to contact the publishing company because I don't know who they are so I guess I asked for nothing. Oh Well it was worth asking. The funny thing is an ebook doesn't have to be published they would only have to scan it then sell the download rights and for thhose who think you can copy all ebooks and redistribute them there are ways arround that too. Oh well I think I will do like everyone else I know of and just give up. The information is lost just like my cause. I thank everyone for there help. At least we tried ..Thanks again.
I feel for your problem. If your main interest is in the dummy plans...there are lots of dummy plans on the net. Despite it's simple appearance a dummy is not easy to make if done right.
I have 3 dummies -the best one is a good koo san dummy-- the top arms are on the same level at the front end, the spacing is right, the arm lengths are right etc...etc
Without exaggeration, I am usually quite swamped with tasks...
When I have time I can try to find the moy yat dummy book and look at the dummy plan and see if a single copy of just the plan page can be xeroxed. I can't promise timeliness.
But if you send me your mailing address by private email.. I can try.

Wing chun is not lost- it was not intended to be a widely practiced art IMO

joy chaudhuri