A nice project


Senior Master
Well, my frriend Daniel (who is a black belt in Karate Do and Budo Taijutsu) and I had a nice coffe yesterday, we had a nice chat about MA and got to the same point, get togheter with another friend (Hap Ki Do/ Tae Kwon Do Black Belt) ans start a very small class of black belts of diferent MA to interchange techs, ways of thinking, some budo,weapons,etc.

The porpuse of this class (twice per month) is that everyone has to give one class of his own MA to the others and teach the others good comon sense self defense techs.

I think the every single class will begin with a short lecture (no more than 10-15 minutes) of the MA being istructed thay day, then a warm up/streching to then do basics (of the MA being taught thay day), then self defense techs and at the end of the class an ideas storm to interchanges points of view.

To this day we count with three black blets counting me but if it goes fine maybe we can open it to another 3 or 5 black belts in other MA like aikido,kempo karate,etc.

I am very exited about this and are looking for a nice name for the group, here you have some:

1.-Liga de Arets Marciales Orientales (LAMO).-Orient Martial Arts Leage.
2.-Union de Artes Marciales Orientales (UAMO).-Orient Martial Arts Union.
3.-Academia de Artes Marciales Orientales (AAMO).-Orient Martial Arts Academy.
4.-Club de Artes Marciales Orientales (CAMO).-Orient Martial Arts Club.
5.-Club Veracruzano de Artes Marciales (CVAM).-Veracruzan's Martial Arts Club.


P.S. No ballet classes or teachers allowed.

(you really don't like the ballet.... :D )

Sounds good. I'd go with the club, unless you want to start a whole new organization.

(you really don't like the ballet.... :D )

Sounds good. I'd go with the club, unless you want to start a whole new organization.

Yeap, I don't like the ballerina thing, jejejeje and yes it's better to use the Name Club cause this is what it it, a Club a martial arts friends who want to share diferent points of view of diferent martial arts.

That sounds great Manny. Keep us posted on your lernings. This is how we did things back in the day. I remember there were are few of us that got togeather once a week and just worked out and did each others stuff. There was me with TSD and Karate background back then. Then my friend Ron who was in Jujitsu. Randy a Chin Naw Chinese artist. Soc, another TSD and Jujutsu guy. And last but not least Terry, just one tough SOB that could just plain take your head off. Most fun I ever had in the Martial Arts.

Have fun.
That sounds great Manny. Keep us posted on your lernings. This is how we did things back in the day. I remember there were are few of us that got togeather once a week and just worked out and did each others stuff. There was me with TSD and Karate background back then. Then my friend Ron who was in Jujitsu. Randy a Chin Naw Chinese artist. Soc, another TSD and Jujutsu guy. And last but not least Terry, just one tough SOB that could just plain take your head off. Most fun I ever had in the Martial Arts.

Have fun.

That's the name of the game (fun) my friend and sharing too.

This project is in the oven, I hope it will cook well, I let you know at it's moment.
