A new workout routine

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I have found out a new workout routine. The Bob Jones trail is a 6 miles round trip trail. There are many benches on the road.

- I can walk to the bench (there are 8 benches), doing my leg stretching, and do my 16 push up ( 8 x 16 = 128).
- Between benches, I can drill my kick/punch combo.
- On the way back, I can do my 3 miles running.

I can finish my daily walking, running, stretching, push up, and MA kick/punch training within 2 hours 6 miles trip. This is what I call "kill 5 birds with 1 stone".

What's your opinion on this kind of daily workout routine (one day after you have retired)?

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Few MA drills that I like to do during this routine.

- Parry, vertical punch, front toes kick, inside out block/grab/pull, back hand punch, front heel kick, hook punch, roundhouse kick, side kick, back hand palm strike.
- Right inside crescent kick, left outside crescent kick, right leg swing overhead, left leg swing back up with head down.
- Right hook, right back fist, left overhand, left hammer fist, right uppercut.
- ...
What's your opinion on this kind of daily workout routine (one day after you have retired)?
It's a good start. I love this kind of non-gym training. What I would recommend is getting yourself some kind of heavy object to lift as well.
It's a good start. I love this kind of non-gym training. What I would recommend is getting yourself some kind of heavy object to lift as well.
You are right the weight training is not included here. I sometimes carry 5 lb weight in both of my hands when I walk and do the punches. I have tried 12 lb weight. But it's too hard for 6 or 4 miles distance.
I've formulated a simple, not extreme, sensible circuit to do 2 times a week in addition to my couch to 5k plan.
I call it the 'sender of eight'.
Exercise 1- Push 1. e.g. pushups. Starting at 10.
Exercise 2- Core move 1, e.g. situps/ ab wheel rollouts. Starting at 10
Exercise 3- Single leg movement, e.g. reverse lunges. Starting at 10.
Exercise 4- Push 2 e.g. dips/overhead presses. Starting at 10
Exercise 5- Back/bicep move e.g. Curs/chins- starting with 10 reps
Exercise 6- Main exercise. Gonna be either a deadlft or a squat.
Exercise 7- Core move 2, e.g. twist situps, side planks
Exercise 8- 'Gasper', Burpees/skipping/sprint etc.

Rest 2-3 mins
Repeat 1-3 times

The idea is to start with 10 reps of each. Weighted exercises will remain at 10 reps and increase conservatively in weight. Callisthenic exercises will increase number of reps, aiming for 4 total circuits at 25 reps of each callisthenic exercise. I'm aiming to get all my strength training done in one go, so I can concentrate on cardiovascular fitness, karate practice and such. It's been suggested that I overdo things, so I'm going to do this conservatively, sensibly and with restraint. Such is learning.
The joy of training at home is that you can do things that it wouldn't be worth going to the gym to do, things that would take more time than you'd be willing to spend at the gym, and things that would get you thrown out of the gym...

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