A Long Hiatus, and a Rewarding Comeback

Breaking Allen

White Belt
Hello to those who read this, I'd like to take a moment and say hello. My name is Allen Towe, and I first started my life in Martial Arts at the age of 7 (if my memory is correct) with my father's decision to enlist me at a local ATA (American Tae-Kwon-Do) school. I pursued hard practice until I was about 16. My father basically pushed me a little too hard and drained me out of it, if I'm wording it properly. As in, I would practice for about 2 hours every night and spent hours every day at the dojo after school. It drained up so much of my time I started to dread it. I did become quite good at it though. I went to at least 60 tournaments in quite a bit of different states throughout the years and I became a state champ almost 4 times in a row, in Forms, Weapons, AND sparring, which I was pretty impressed by. My last few years I also taught classes to low ranked children who were around white belt. I also judged at one tournament, too! Although, of course, my parents eventually let me quit two years ago (well 3, since it's New Year's day). I was happy to quit, just for a bit of relief, and although that was nice; it had a bit of drawbacks. I had a lot less of interests (the only other things I liked were games and programming). I obviously became a lot less physically fit, too. I think one of my biggest motivators for the longest time was that my father watched Bruce Lee movies a lot, and I loved them too. I still do. So I've recently decided to get back into martial arts. Only problem is, I've moved to Canada within the last year and there aren't any martial arts schools in my proximity. Well, there are, but they're not that close and I'm incredibly short on money. I also can't drive since I don't live in the U.S. anymore. Anyway, that's my introduction. Thanks for reading this!
Welcome to Martial Talk, Allen. I feel that part of your comeback can begin right here at Martial Talk. Get involved with some of the threads and share some of your experiences while perhaps gaining some insight from other members. Show respect ask good questions and you will fit in very nicely. Enjoy!

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