Black Belt
Hello all. Have a bit of a dilema and wanted to get your valuable input. My friend happens to run the dojo I attend. We are more like brothers than friends so it makes this a little difficult. His dojo is 90% kids and that is the cirriculum that he has chosen to teach. I enjoy the younger students but frankly I feel that my time is wasted when I work with them. ( Here is where the critisisim starts go ahead but be gentle.) I have explained this time and time again to my friend and now I do not work with the kids at all. Only when I want to which suits me fine. However I am supposed to be his senior student and I feel it does not look good to the others that he and I do not agree on the training of kids. So now I feel guilty because the time I spend on the mat is free of charge. So my question to you all is do I offer him some sort of "dues" for the month so I can feel better about this kind of like renting the floor space for a while, and second do I recommend that he find someone else to be his "right hand man"? If he was not almost family this would be a no brainer but it is a tricky situation for now.
In the spirit of bushido!
In the spirit of bushido!