A Huff Po Blogger On Gaza and Palestinians

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
You may have noticed I'm not the Huffington Post type...
But, wow. Nonie Darwish hits this one out of the park.
Today the Gaza Strip, now under the control of Hamas, has become the Gaza prison camp for 1.5 million Palestinians and continues to serve as the launching pad for attacks against Israeli citizens.

This is the legacy of the Arab world's Palestinian refugee policy, started 60 years ago, when the Arab League implemented special laws regarding Palestinians that all Arab countries had to abide by. Arab countries could not absorb Palestinians. Even if a Palestinian married a citizen of an Arab country, that Palestinian could not become a citizen of his or her spouse's country. A Palestinian can be born, live and die in an Arab country, but never gain its citizenship. Even now I receive e-mails from Palestinians telling me they cannot have a Syrian passport, for example, and must remain Palestinian even though they have never set foot in the West Bank or Gaza. Forcing the Palestinian identity on them is designed to perpetuate the Palestinian refugee status. Palestinians have been used and abused by Arab nations, and by Palestinian terrorists, for the purpose of destroying Israel.
Two of the best quotes on the subject.

"The Palestinians have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity", Abba Eban, former Deputy Prime Minister

"The conflict will not stop until Palestinians start loving their children more than they hate ours", Golda Meir.
Yes, the Palestinians are being used in a cynical power ploy by the rest of the Arab nations in order to drum up opposition to Israel. Israel, for its part, is also guilty of many crimes against the Palestinian people. The crimes, by either "side", do not justify or obscure the crimes of the other.

Thinking otherwise is morally immature.

The quote by Golda Meir is also disingenuous, and an easy thing to say when you are the ones with the power. If one wished, you could apply the same sentiment to the Israeli people, who also have the capability to end the conflict when they choose. At least if the Israeli people end the conflict, they won't be confined to a handful of crowded bantustans that can be cut off and controlled by a hostile foreign power at will.
In an attempt to start ending the conflict, Israel withdrew from Gaza, unilateraly. All they got in return was increase rocket attack from Gaza.

The first and most important step in the peace process is for the Arab world to acknowledge that Israel is there to stay. Once they acknowledge the right of the country to exist, only then can genuine negotiations on what the borders should be can commence.

The conditions in Gaza and the West Bank are deplorable. OTOH, billions has been poured in the Territories, most of which was diverted by succesive corrupt leadership. The Arab world needs to take a long hard look at itself and it's actions WRT the Palestinians. Remember that between 1948 and 1967 Gaza was under the control of Egypt and the West Bank under the control of Jordan, yet nothing was done. Israel offered Gaza back to Egypt during the nogotiations in 73. Egypt refused.

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