A girl date wasn't part of the man date.


Senior Master
I got a kick out of this. The last line before the link clinches it.

From the religious right propaganda organ AgapePress:

...A Virginia pro-family advocate says the people who helped re-elect President Bush don't support homosexual relationships -- the administration apparently does. Joe Glover, president of the Family Policy Network, has worked tirelessly for family values, including the fight against legalized homosexual "marriage." He says it was conservative Christians who put the president back in office and who held to the belief that the president shared their views. But Glover says the day after the election, that all seemed to go out the window. "The day after George Bush was elected president again, because of this morals revolution taking place in our country, he allows his vice president to not only put his lesbian daughter on the platform, but to bring her lesbian 'partner' up on the stage with him," Glover says. "It almost seems to be a slap in the face from the get-go against the very conservatives that re-elected the president at a time when he ought to paying them some homage and respect." Glover says the Cheney daughter's open flaunting of her homosexuality is the antithesis of what the administration claims to stand for -- and that the post-election display sends a mixed message to Bush supporters.

I guess girl-date wasn't part of the mandate.



Cute title..lol.

What I wish the religious right would realize is that many of the pro-life pro-value's canidates really care far more about the bottom line, their supporters money, and their supporters votes then their agenda's, and that running on a platform based on the idea that if you vote for a "liberal," they'll take away your values, your guns, your money, and then the terrorists will invade is only fear mongering to grab the chance at playing puppet master on the populace.

Wow...that was one long run-on sentence... :)
You know, I'm just sad for Cheney's daughter. Being treated like a shameful thing while her mom and dad are in the political limelight. It was bad enough for Chelsea Clinton to be called a "dog" by Rush Limbaugh, but imagine knowing that what you are is so embarrassing to your parents - and to the party they stand with - that you cannot appear in public with them.

The only thing I was glad of after the results of this election was to see her - with partner or without - up with her folks onstage, just like all the other political offspring.

ETA: And yes, I thought the thread title was funny, too.
Feisty Mouse said:
The only thing I was glad of after the results of this election was to see her - with partner or without - up with her folks onstage, just like all the other political offspring.

The only thing that impresses me about Dick Cheney (other than that photo of him I sent to some of you) is his commitment to standing up for his daughter. I confess delight at the friction this causes between elements in the Republican party...but I am impressed with his loyalty to her.


I think it's interesting that when people talk about "values," they mean their own values. My values don't count.
Yes, values:

Lie and start a war that may well last a long time and that has made us a pariah,

less gov't but actually try to legislate peoples' private lives,

teach their religion in public schools despite the 1st ammendment separating Church and State, and anyone who disagrees with their dogmaticism is "unpatriotic",

show Terminator and Predator on TV but a woman breastfeeding is obscene,

deny a woman the right to control her own body and save some non-viable cells yet go ahead and execute retarded criminals and bomb the hell out of innocent people in other countries...


The "right" wing is just as psycho as the ultra-liberal politically correct thought police.

Personally, I'd prefer the latter. At least they believe in erring on the side of generosity and idealism. They may be foolish and naive but they believe in making the world a better place instead of repressing it and killing it.
hardheadjarhead said:
I got a kick out of this. The last line before the link clinches it.[Glover says the Cheney daughter's open flaunting of her homosexuality is the antithesis of what the administration claims to stand for -- and that the post-election display sends a mixed message to Bush supporters.
I guess girl-date wasn't part of the mandate. [/I] http://americablog.blogspot.com/archives/2004_11_01_americablog_archive.html#110029085523707507 Regards, Steve
Great one, Steve--love your new signature! :ultracool

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