A defense attorney gets clocked...there is justice...


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This guy earns his pay getting violent criminals off the hook...until one of them beats him up...


What happens when ponytailed defense attorney Ron Kuby gets mugged? He screams bloody murder, demands a police crackdown on the alleged assailant, and collaborates with reporters at the New York Daily News to raise the specter of hate crime charges. Here's the outline of the story, from the New York Post:
Michael Cook is charged with misdemeanor assault for allegedly clocking Kuby on West 23[SUP]rd[/SUP] Street in mid-September. Kuby told cops he'd been walking near Cook and Cook's girlfriend, and the punch in the nose was his reward for objecting to the girlfriend's overheard anti-gay diatribe.
"I spend my life preventing most people from going to jail, but he's working very hard to go there," Kuby said of his accused assailant. "Sooner or later the warrant squad will wake him up very early in the morning and without a cup of coffee."
The lawyer famous for using every trick in the book to denigrate police and spring violent offenders back onto the street expects a different response from the system when he's the alleged victim of a minor crime -- in this case, a fistfight Kuby acknowledges instigating.
Never mind legal niceties, such as using the word "alleged" before guilt has been determined:
Kuby had the following unsolicited legal counsel for Cook: "He can still turn himself in by showing up in court as soon as he can. I think 9 a.m. tomorrow would be a splendid time, so as to avoid the silver bracelets."
And if the police refuse to let the perp have his cup of coffee, Kuby can always change sides and sue them for brutality.
Ron Kuby is an acolyte of the late, unlamented William Kunstler, who also gloried in springing terrorists and murderers from prison. Kuby and Kunstler infamously raised the defense of "black rage" in the case of Long Island Railroad assassin Colin Ferguson, who murdered six people and injured 19 in 1993.
Although Ferguson ultimately refused to let Kuby and Kunstler represent him, families of the murder victims still had to listen to the lawyers blame their loved ones for the racist killing spree that took their lives. Irresponsible racial allegations are Kuby's favorite legal tool. In reality, Colin Ferguson was the cricket-playing son of wealthy Jamaicans; his "rage" seems to have had more to do with anger at having to hold a job after his family's fortunes declined.


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