A college for...umm, you know.


Brown Belt
Jul 6, 2005
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SAN FRANCISCO (Wireless Flash) – The world’s oldest profession is now being taught in the world’s newest school.
On May 4, the Epicenter Gallery in San Francisco will become the site of the world’s first “***** College,” to teach wannabe working girls and guys the ins and outs of prostitution.
I support most people's right to do whatever the heck that they want with their own bodies, but do we really need a college to teach prostitution? I couldn't picture myself having a serious conversation with anyone who possessed a degree in...well, you know.

How many women/men actually become prostitutes for reasons other than financial necessity? I am sure that there are a few; however, you don't see very many affluent women/men hanging on the street corner (or answering a pager, or in the casino) selling their 'wares'. Maybe there are, I don't know.

This cannot be the best example for freedom of education.

This article made me scratch my head. A college for prostitutes...really?
Why not?

You can get degrees in history, philosophy, language, etc.
You can even get a degree in Star Trek, Anime and others.
At least a degree in prostitution gives you a skill you can immediately turn into a job.
In San Francisco I would believe just about anything.
Honestly, I don't find anything particularly offensive about the classes. It looks like they spend a good deal of time on the safety aspect.

I wonder if they will offer degrees in specific concentrations? :lol:
Theban_Legion said:
Honestly, I don't find anything particularly offensive about the classes. It looks like they spend a good deal of time on the safety aspect.

I wonder if they will offer degrees in specific concentrations? :lol:
I wonder if there are Lab classes??
Tgace said:
I wonder if there are Lab classes??

There is something about this that bugs me...

How many young girls honestly think to themselves, "When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute"?
Tgace said:
I wonder if there are Lab classes??
Don't you mean LAP classes? :lol: Whatever happened to OJT? I mean, granted that there is some business knowledge that would be quite useful to know, but ... I think the professors of that course probably have the best racket in the business. When you get one whore to pay another, is she a John? or a Jane? or a sucker?
I now want to be a college professor. Final exams take on a WHOLE new meaning.
Do they offer classes to the pimps on "Whore beating" and "Taking 80% from your bitches?" What about "how to trade sex for drugs 101"?

I just cant see this as a positive thing, I'm sorry.
You could probably get a grant to hire work-studies

...and don't forget the tutoring requirement for the honors students

A bad grade isn't such a problem anymore with THOSE tutors to help you get your "average up" :lol:
Id like to see the grading matrix.
Tgace said:
Id like to see the grading matrix.
You mean the "grade-inatrix"? It's got leather and a whip

It will punish you if you fail.
It will punish you if you succeed.
It will leave you begging for mercy...

...and YOU WILL LIKE IT. :whip1:
I like the title for the oral sex instructor--"headmistress".

Well, people will do what people will do. I wish Harvard had trademarked college, university, BA, Ma, Ph.D., etc., centuries ago, but as it is, anyone can call anything a college.
At this point I think they could take the Nixon quote on bohemian grove and apply it to the whole dam city.
What "curve" do you think they use for grading?

ha ha, what a shame that this is being condoned in any way...
lulflo said:
What "curve" do you think they use for grading?

ha ha, what a shame that this is being condoned in any way...
Question - does anyone know if there is a man-ho college?
Wow. I wonder how many years it will take before you can get a degree in nose-picking? That would be a great concentration for my son. Or wedgie-pulling for my daughter (of course, she could also excel at hairbrushing).

What is education coming to?

So do you think this kind of thing will affect the requirements of business to hold a college degree? Right now it just sounds like an expensive piece of paper you get from someone certifying you're smart, which is bullcrap anyway.