A Boom, Banga Bang!

Rob Broad said:
I often make an odd whomp sound when I am doing a strike that I know will drive the air out of someone.
When Mr. Broad makes that whomp sound my body usually goes ow, and then aborts into a fetal position while being stomped into a plethera of extentions, the most noisy being dance of death
ROTFLMAO !!! OMG!!! This is the funniest thread,

We and some training partners just got done working on 2-man drills and yes Every one of us made like we were in the old Adam West Batman Series

and yes even .... BOINK!!

Yeslling a shouting while we train the kids and adults watching us were in stitches *L* and we were doing it without thinking !!!

And the real reason we do this sound making is it is exhaling wich in turn helps with breathing and also does improve your body's natural "settling" ability think when you make those sounds. Flow of energy with the sudden exhaltion of air all driving mass behind it *EG* Usualy when you are really going to nail that hit.

David Gunzburg

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