A 51st state - South California

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Wait! I have an idea. Let's just build a fence around it and make it a prison. Wait... I saw that in a movie; never mind.:)
US Constitution trumps California Constitution, by California law.
It's legal.

Article IV, Section 3

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

Thus, should both the California legislature and the US Congress assent, this could happen. Chances of it? Aaaaawfully low.
who needs 2 californias anyhow...
Right, unless it's to appease the immigrants from down south that we're giving back a part of what used to belong to them... before we BOUGHT it.

It's a stupid idea either way to split a state in half for whatever reason. Leave it be and deal with it.

Now if we were annexing parts of Tijuana or Baja then hey yeah okay I can see that... provided that we own it.
who the heck would want that crap?

Rather, where would all those kids go to get laid and drunk well before they are 21...

(not even touching the lead content in the air...)
Californians would be better served if we could eject the SF Bay area from the state
Would the new Southern California State's constitution be written in Spanish?
Better we split Massachusetts just east of the 495 and let that area east of the 495 pay for itself and let the rest of the state be able to build roads, bridges, and pay for schools rather than support Boston and the surrounding area
Better we split Massachusetts just east of the 495 and let that area east of the 495 pay for itself and let the rest of the state be able to build roads, bridges, and pay for schools rather than support Boston and the surrounding area
Thems ah fighting words in Beantown!

You are hereby commanded to never Pahhrk your Cahhr in Hahhvard Yahhrd ever again!:uhyeah:
FWIW Is there any modern infrastructure west of I495 in Massachusetts? You know like Electrification and Indoor Plumbing?

Seriously I think we should review the justification on ALL FIFTY STATES and perhaps either split or annex them.

For example within this review:

Delaware rates two senators - are you bleeping me?!??

Rhode Island rates as a state?... please!!! Connecticut takes half of it, Massachusetts the other half except we will leave (wall off) the city of Central Falls, RI as a federal government penal colony and deportation center.
We could also redraw boundaries to be logical and contiguous, now can someone explain the Upper Pensisula of Michigan to me?
Then there's West Virginia. Okay people The War of Northern Aggression ended in 1865 - so let’s have a discussion - after all - you're Americans not the Irish who are still pissed about the Battle of The Boyne.