9 American Soldiers Were Killed In Iraq Yesterday. Please tell me what their deaths are accomplishing? The situation in Iraq is getting WORSE, not better. Is there an end in sight? What is the objective? And don't give me **** about not supporting "the troops". If I had had my way NO troops woulld have been sent to Iraq. I SUPPORT the troops. It is the right-wing kool-aid drinkers "freedom is on the march!" folks who don't.
The Objective: To create a stable government in Iraq. One which does not condone or sponsor terroism, and is friendly to the American people and government.
Are they accomplishing that? Well that is certainly to be debated.
There were inspectors on the ground in Iraq WITH unrestricted access in the months before the invasion. Your information comes from right-wing propaganda.
After the paradigm shift which occurred after 9/11, the Bush Administration decided not to mess around any more. It is historical fact that Saddam Hussein would allow inspectors in, with "unlimited access", only to kick them out again, or impose restrictions which would allow him to circumvent the UN Resolutions. At what point do we say, "Enough is enough?" Saddam Hussein was very much the con artist in this regard. It was not:
That Saddam Hussien was uncooperative, is a 'Big Lie' that the Republican Party spins, to shift blame, from them to anyone else
Lets not forget who gave Saddam the chemicals for the gas, gave him the helicopters to carry it out, and watched dispassionately while the whole thing was going on.
You're absolutely correct. We gave Saddam Hussein the gas to kill people, in the hopes that he would use it against a worse enemy (to the U.S), Iran. Were we wrong for that. Historians will continue to debate it.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that the UN resolution not only asked do you have, or are you developing WMDs, but also what did you do wiht the stuff the U.S. gave you. They were never able to adequately establish that.
Now, my opinion.
We were correct to go after Saddam Hussein. After 9/11 (and in my opinioin before that) we could no longer stand by why innocent people were killed in the name of Islam, Jihad, fatwah, etc. Especially in our own country. The paradigm shifted to not just defeating those specifically involved in that attack, but those who supported terrorism, like Hussein (ie. $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers, training camps, etc.). The U.S. throughout the years (from 1975) had suffered too many acts of terrorism. 9/11 is just the one that brought it home to most Americans.
And lets face it, our military did an excellent job in defeating the Iraqi Army and security forces. With very few casualties suffered by us.
Where the Administration went wrong, IMHO, is that they misunderstood the culture of the Middle East. These are not people who's culture allows for a true democracy (or republic, if you will). They are generally tribal, with power structures embracing a single leader, usually genetically inherited. Also, their religious practises are not conducive to these type of governments either.
We should have gone in there, taken out Saddam and his children (who were reportedly worse then him), installed a dictator (or similar) who was friendly to us, and let them go their own way. If that dictator we installed was taken out, so be it. But the threat (openly stated) would be that if you act against us, we will return.
We are forcing on the Iraqi's something that they don't understand, nor will their culture or religion allow it. That is where the Administration messed up.