4th Question - Publicizing Unrest


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
The media has all but ignored the minority voices this election year. They have failed to cover or often times even mention anyone but John Kerry or George Bush as a presidential candidate. Abuses the occured at Bush events were not mentioned. The abuses are well documented on obscure websites and small regional publications (http://www.alternet.org/rights/19779/ and http://mediastudy.com) yet mainstreme sources such as MSNBC and CNN and Fox consistantly fail to report on them.

What would you do to help keep the American people informed of the events and choices they face so that they could make an informed decision?
What can you do? I doubt most of us have the $$ to start our own newspaper or network.

My response is to continue to link to each source I can to help publicize them as best as I can. Each voice added to the mix reaches a little farther.

We can also vote with our dollars. Stop subscribing to these periodicals that limit the 'news' to the 'safe'. Let them know exactly why you are canceling. I told th Buffalo News when I canceled that they weren't reporting real news. They asked what I meant. I said "There were more than 2 people running for President, yet you failed to mention them, or even list them properly on your balot. 2 of those presidential candidates were denied their right to debate Bush and Kerry, and were arrested when trying to serve court papers on that, yet your paper said nothing about it. Your political bias is obvious and I refuse to support an institution that only reports one limited side of the issues. There are plenty of free papers in this city that will report what you are afraid to.".

I have emailed Fox, MSNBC and CNN demanding to know why they refused to report on those issues as well. They have not responded. I will not watch their networks until they clean up their act.

We can contact sponsors and stage a boycott of their products unless they pull their advertising from those biased media sources. CNN either reports the real news, or I stop eating Cambells soup. It's simple.

Put the screws to them, and they will respond. We may just have to eat less Wonder Bread and more store brands for a bit.
There was plenty of such information available to anyone who wanted it.

Look back at these forums: what happens when such material is brought up?

1. No, that never happened.

2. Yes, it happened but it doesn't matter because these things always happen.

3. OK, it happened and it matters but anyway the Democrats did the same thing even if there's no evidence of that. And John Kerry is from Massachusetts and he made up stuff about Vietnam.

4. Michael Moore is a big doodyhead.

5. It's cynical and mean to bring up reality in political discussions.

6. Liberals are always finding fault and everyone needs to support our troops in time of war even if there isn't one.
You're right Robert.

Theres just 1 thing.

MartialTalk is not as big as CNN, or Fox.

Yet. :)
-Give it time, Sir, give it time. I agree with your post. Many Americans seem to be happy to be told what to do, what to believe. Maybe thats why Bush was reelected. "Keep the faith" is all I can say to them. You can educate people, but you might not change them.

rmcrobertson said:
4. Michael Moore is a big doodyhead.

:ultracool Yes he is. Only my view of the man is not because of his political views. :asian: I am glad you finally saw the light though ;)
4. Michael Moore is a big doodyhead.
Yes, I absolutly agree. This guy uses his ideas as propoganda to preach his opinions, as well as uses other peoples pain(bowling for Columbine) for his own profit. It makes me sick, and absolutly refuse to see Farenhiet 9/11. There I said it, that's my two cents on that terd.


I don't fully agree with Moore, but I did buy F9/11. Taken with a grain of salt, and doing your own research into the points raised is a great exercize in education.
Kaith, I agree with a lot of your suggestions, and I've adopted a few.

1. Support independent media.
2. Write Letters to the Editor. Your letter may not get published, but if enough citizens write, somebody's will get published.
3. Try to get closer to the source. That may be as simple as checking out Associated Press. Since most of the corporate media is reprinting AP newswire, I'd rather check AP myself.
5. Verify statistics and other information. You'd be AMAZED at how lazy and ignorant people are. They'd rather be fed lies than to actually challenge the lies.
6. Get familiar with government websites. And I don't mean whitehouse.gov.
7. Boycott. I never thought I'd feel that way, but since all the branches of government are now of one mind, it will be very hard for dissenters to act through the political venue. But you can hit them in the wallet. That's all they care about anyway. Sinclair's stock went into the toilet when they were planning to air "Stolen Honor" in its entirety.

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