$3 and Climbing

i cant aford gas as it is let alone if it goes up...im riding my bike and walking any where possible.... will the prices ever go back down?
upnorthkyosa said:
Heh. We think this is high? Wait until the first bombs fall on Iran? ;)

Good God, I hope that doesn't happen.

Well, given our record for telling other countries what to do, I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before we bomb them.

Swordlady said:
At $3/gallon (this is for the CHEAP 87 octane!), it costs me about $38 to fill up the tank. That's about $150/month on gas alone. Ouch.

Yup, I hear ya. My wife and I each have an SUV and with gas a little over $3, I spent $35 on hers the other day.

If you adjust for currency and liter/gallon conversion, gas in Spain is 6 dollars a gallon. Then again, you have to take a driving school to get a license in Spain and driving is a privilege not a requirement. We will see a lot less people driving soon enough...
mrhnau said:
Easy fix... drop some of the gas taxes and relax the mixture requirements, at least for a little while until the oil problems stabalize. I doubt that will be seriously considered though... that would likely knock off a good 20-30 cents off the top, depending on where you are and what kind of mix is required...

The issue about taxes is that each state adds their own taxes - NJ has one of the lowest rates and NY (.40 a gallon higher) has one of the highest tax rates.

Problem right now is that there is a shortage of E-10 (gas blended with ethanol instead of MTBE) due to the fact that: A.) it can't be produced fast enough, B.) there is no pipeline distribution for ethanol - it has to be moved via truck or train, and C.) ethanol becomes corrosive when its comes in contact with moisture so anything that will be used to store E-10 must be cleaned.

Hopefully in the next month the supply of ethanol and E-10 will increase to meet demand and the prices go down.
Take a look at how much you paid for some common liquids in the past week. Snapple, OJ, Coke, Beer, Milk - all of which we do not need (alright, maybe the beer :) ). There is a website out there that compares a bunch of liquids and products to gas. The process to make gas is much more resource consuming than any of the above.

We live in a capitalistic society. I agree it sucks to pay that much (and agree with many of the comments), but it is a fact of life. Why should the governement be able to stop oil companies from making money, but then let the clothing industry mark up goods over 300% because they used child labor in another country.

Easy fix to all this... buy a hybrid or car pool and hit the oil companies where it hurts.

Better yert...vote for the opposite party you voted for last election and see how much things change. They may get a little better, but someones pocket will always get lined.

As long as my gas does not exceed my pint of Guiness - I am happy! :)

Another set of ideas (an I am not a tree hugger, though I like trees)
Just found some comparisons (in 2005):

Items $/gallon

Gasoline $2.51
Milk $2.99
Coca-Cola $2.84
Gatorade $5.20
Evian Water $5.60
Orange Juice $6.64
Crisco Oil $7.44
Perrier Water $8.16
Snapple $10.32
Scope Mouthwash $27.20
Lemon Oil $27.22
Olive Oil $51.04
Shampoo $40.44
Real Maple Syrup $57.08
Jack Daniel's Bourbon $101.12
Visine Eye Drops $995.84
Nasacort Nasal Spray $2,615.28
MJS said:

I'm wondering if this is going to be the norm or if the prices will ever go down. Reading todays paper, it looks like Bush is ordering an investigation into price gouging, but I have to wonder if it'll do any good.

Is anyone making any changes into the way they travel? I heard of one woman who pawned her jewelery that she had to help her and her husband with the rising cost of gas. Not sure I'd go to that extent, but I can see how this takes a toll on some people.

It seems like every time the gas prices go up...all the damm politicians want to do is 'study' if there was price gouging...Let's NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT THE PROBLEM...LET'S JUST STUDY IT!..Morons!!

Anyways. Do what I do..Ride a motorcycle to work...40 - 50 + Mpg plus it does wonders for your mind..
Well it is here $3.00 a gallon in the Dallas Ft Worth area, today is April 26th 2006 and I would have beat a million dollars twenty years ago that would never had happen.
Another viewpoint :)


by Ann Coulter - 4/26/2006

I would be more interested in what the Democrats had to say about high gas prices if these were not the same people who refused to let us drill for oil in Alaska, imposed massive restrictions on building new refineries, and who shut down the development of nuclear power in this country decades ago.

But it's too much having to watch Democrats wail about the awful calamity to poor working families of having to pay high gas prices.
Imposing punitive taxation on gasoline to force people to ride bicycles has been one of the left's main policy goals for years.

For decades Democrats have been trying to raise the price of gasoline so that the working class will stop their infernal car-driving and start riding on buses where they belong, while liberals ride in Gulfstream jets.

The last time the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the presidency was in 1993. Immediately after trying to put gays in the military and socialize all health care, Clinton's next order of business was to propose an energy tax on all fuels, including a 26-cent tax on gas. I think the bill was called "putting people first in line at the bus station." This is the Democratic Party. That's their program.

I love a strong woman! She definitely has alot of Moxy! I'll give her that.
There isn't any real merit in pointing fingers at the Democrats for the price of fuel. This isn't a political issue, for starters, it's a market issue. Secondly, the Americans have no leverage with regard to changing the situation anyway. Sure, building more refineries would help, but not for a while, and it's not really a governmental role anyway. At least, not in the US. Building refineries is the role of business.

That's really part of the problem here - refining capacity is just enough to keep up with what the market is demanding right now, but finished gasoline reserves are depleting, and, with no further refining capacity, the price of finished gas is going up - ahead of the looming shortage. It's interesting to note that, at times that the price of crude has stayed flat, or even gone down slightly over the period of a month, the price at the pump has still gone up. Though the price at the pump is somewhat a reflection of the price of crude, it is more directly a result of the supply of finished gas.

So, oil companies don't really feel the impetus to build refineries, because they're the ones profiting off of the rising price of gas - some other well capitalized company needs to decide to get into the refining business.
Well, one thing for sure, I'm not into politics, so when it comes to that, I usually stay out of it. I do think though, that if we didn't constantly jump into wars with people, half the problem would be solved. I can just imagine what'll happen if we start dropping bombs on Iran.
CTKempo Todd said:
Anyways. Do what I do..Ride a motorcycle to work...40 - 50 + Mpg plus it does wonders for your mind..

Or drive what I do back and forth to the job sites.......A real man's man of a vehicle, a 1993 Geo Merto Convertable. LOL!! Yeah I know it is a "girl" car but I have the advantage of being a 6'2" 225# construction worker who practices MA's. Seems everybody thinks it is a viable alternative to the pick-up truck they drive. It averages 43 MPG driving around, haven't worked up the nerve to get the little POS out on the freeway (plus the freeway is 50 miles away). The way I look at it is this: I'm 42, little overweight, happily married, & comfortable in my own skin; what am I trying to do impress some 18 or 20 year old? Nope just going to work!

Gas is now at $3.11 for regular here in Northern Maine. My bet is they suck $4.00 out of our pocket per gallon before too long. That teal bomber looks real good sitting in the driveway!
bydand said:
Or drive what I do back and forth to the job sites.......A real man's man of a vehicle, a 1993 Geo Merto Convertable. LOL!! Yeah I know it is a "girl" car but I have the advantage of being a 6'2" 225# construction worker who practices MA's. Seems everybody thinks it is a viable alternative to the pick-up truck they drive. It averages 43 MPG driving around, haven't worked up the nerve to get the little POS out on the freeway (plus the freeway is 50 miles away). The way I look at it is this: I'm 42, little overweight, happily married, & comfortable in my own skin; what am I trying to do impress some 18 or 20 year old? Nope just going to work!

Gas is now at $3.11 for regular here in Northern Maine. My bet is they suck $4.00 out of our pocket per gallon before too long. That teal bomber looks real good sitting in the driveway!

Dude is yours Powder Blue? I have a friend he had one of these for ever, and only recently sold it for $100 as the frame was coming apart. He told the guy it would only be good for some of the parts, but that it ran well enough to drive it to the location to take it apart.
Nope not Powder blue, it is a Teal color. Or so I'm told by the better-half. To me it just looks as if they couldn't decide between an ugly green or an ugly blue, so they mixed the two. Looks as if I have to learn how to spell also, Merto?? try Metro!

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