3 1/2 hour workout today

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
I went down to Houstona to work out with my kaju instructor, and 3 1/2 hours later, i am sore, and stoked!


grab arts


lovin the kaju life!
Sounds like a good work out. Hope you learned much and have a notebook in which you keep a record of such training
Cool!! Sounds like you had a blast and learned alot!:supcool:
Good deal John, how far are you from Houston? Have you gotten any bloody noses or cracked ribs yet? Haha.

Glad you're enjoying the training.
it's a 3 1/2 hour drive. No blood yet.

WHAT? no blood yet, just how hard are you working out? LOL

Just kidding, It's quite a haul to go and workout. But in the long run, well worth it.

Glad to have you in the "ohana"
Thanks Joe. I had a heart to heart yesterday with my instructor too, he let me know it is gonna be twice as hard for me to get taken seriously, by some of the Kaju people. Apparently, there is a.........generally....... low opinion of TKD people in Kaju...LOL
Very nice.... i don't know that i am up to a 3 1/2 hour yet.... I am just moving in baby steps and I am just now getting up to where i can go hard for an 1 1/2. I am so soft!
Apparently, there is a.........generally....... low opinion of TKD people in Kaju...LOL

What do you say we send Mr. Hee IL Cho out there and see if he can change some opinions
Sounds like a great workout. Good luck with your new counterparts.