2nd Debate...round two..who won?

I don't know who won, but I know who lost. After much ado about McCain being "out of touch" because he doesn't use a PC, Obama proceeds to state who invented the computer and why...of course, he has no idea what he was talking about.

Then again, I don't think Obama ever piloted any aircraft. So if we're just worried about whether the candidate can "text his GF" or whether they understand and demonstrably utilize technology,,,,
I'm disgusted. Neither one of them said anything, and they didn't say it poorly.

I'm one of those that has historically considered a vote for a third party candidate a waste, often voting against rather than for. I'm re-considering that ...

The only vote wasted is the one that is not cast.

In times like these, do not ever be silent.... do not let America be turned into Amerika without at least dissenting once.

Even if the 3d party candidate isn't going to win, you've shown up and made your protest known..... ditto if you "Vote A Blank" in races where you can't stand any of 'em.