2nd dan board breaks


Yellow Belt
At the end of August I will be testing for my WTF 2nd dan. For the the test in have to do 4 board breaks.
I have to include 1) a Power break(min 3 boards) 2)a hand break 3) spinning break 4) a Jumping break. Their must be 4 breaks total but requirements can be combine.
I was just wondering what so of you other TKDer would do(at the 2nd dan level)

my choices are(though not final because i have to run them by my master to see if they are at the correct level.)
1)hopping side kick (front leg)
2)ridge hand
3)180 jumping cresent
4)flying side kick approaching the board from the side

The hard part is that I can't go all out because on my next test I have to top it.
jacktnicol said:
At the end of August I will be testing for my WTF 2nd dan. For the the test in have to do 4 board breaks.
I have to include 1) a Power break(min 3 boards) 2)a hand break 3) spinning break 4) a Jumping break. Their must be 4 breaks total but requirements can be combine.
I was just wondering what so of you other TKDer would do(at the 2nd dan level)

my choices are(though not final because i have to run them by my master to see if they are at the correct level.)
1)hopping side kick (front leg)
2)ridge hand
3)180 jumping cresent
4)flying side kick approaching the board from the side

The hard part is that I can't go all out because on my next test I have to top it.

I would avoid any kind of crescent kick for a break, its too easy to get it wrong and it puts a lot of stress (lateral torque) on the knee. for a spinning break I would suggest jumping reverse turning (roundhouse) kick or the same but a hook. personally I find back kick far more powerful than side kick so would use that for the power break. but thats just me.
jacktnicol said:
At the end of August I will be testing for my WTF 2nd dan. For the the test in have to do 4 board breaks.
I have to include 1) a Power break(min 3 boards) 2)a hand break 3) spinning break 4) a Jumping break. Their must be 4 breaks total but requirements can be combine.
I was just wondering what so of you other TKDer would do(at the 2nd dan level)

my choices are(though not final because i have to run them by my master to see if they are at the correct level.)
1)hopping side kick (front leg)
2)ridge hand
3)180 jumping cresent
4)flying side kick approaching the board from the side

The hard part is that I can't go all out because on my next test I have to top it.

Who in their right mind would wanna do a 180 jumping cresent??
jacktnicol said:
The hard part is that I can't go all out because on my next test I have to top it.

I would think you should go all out at every testing. By your next testing you should have something new and amazing to share. And a 180 crescent, you're AMAZING!!! I can barely get that on target consistently.
Those are not to bad, other than your power break - how many boards do you need to do (and IMNSHO 3 boards is not a power break)?

Here would be my options at that level:

1. Flying side kick over two obstacles (obstacles bent at the waist, not at the knee)
2. Upset ridgehand, 3 10x12x1" boards
3. 360 round house speed break (AKA "tornado kick" or "butterfly kick"), instep 2 10x12x1" boards
4. Power break: jump reverse side kick 5-6 boards....now if you do it blindfolded you can cut it down to 4 boards.

Anyway, that's what I would train for. :) Good luck, happy thoughts.
AceHBK said:
Who in their right mind would wanna do a 180 jumping cresent??

It's not that bad of a kick to do. It's a 2nd Dan level technique, it's all about the board set up - once the holders are in the correct position it's kinda like a horizontal ax kick. It's always fun to see someone who underestimates their abilities power through a board break like that.
Fluffy said:
It's not that bad of a kick to do. It's a 2nd Dan level technique, it's all about the board set up - once the holders are in the correct position it's kinda like a horizontal ax kick.

Thats what i was thinking about the cresent kick plus i've done it many times outside of exams.

And after think about over a few nights i have switch the flying side kick to a jumping 360 hook. Just because i thought that flying side is way to easy a the 2nd dan level. Because i figure that almost any body can break flying side but not ever body can jump up - spin a 360 - and hook kick.

stingg said:
I would think you should go all out at every testing. By your next testing you should have something new and amazing to share. And a 180 crescent, you're AMAZING!!! I can barely get that on target consistently.

Right, I agree. Back when I was testing on a regular basis I would completely go all out at each testing. I knew after I was done that I had left everything there on the mat at my dojang.
jacktnicol said:
At the end of August I will be testing for my WTF 2nd dan. For the the test in have to do 4 board breaks.

The hard part is that I can't go all out because on my next test I have to top it.


Am I reading your correctly? For your 2nd Dan test you aim to under-achieve??

Your Brother
Tornado Axe or stepping axe kick - very powerful and easier on the knee. I've done a spinning crescent kick with one board with no issues. for the power kick go with a back kick - 3 or 4 can be done with a spinning or stepping back kick.

Hand techniques.... palm or elbow strike always look good.

When you do the kicks/ strikes make sure that the boards are set at the right height and are angled properly.
Brother John said:
Am I reading your correctly? For your 2nd Dan test you aim to under-achieve??
Not that i'm aiming to under achieve but i cold do kicks that are above the 2nd dan level and then would be stuck on what to do years down the road. I suppose that is the hard part about having some creative freedom because if i pick something too low i'll fail too high and i don't have anything to do when i'm at that level.


You are testing for the next level...so shouldnt you push it to the next level? Do you not think you will improve between now and your 3rd Dan test. Because honestly I would hold your testing based on the comment you made (twice now).

Not one to straight out criticize, but that doesnt seem to be the right mind set! If you know you will pass then it isnt a test!

jacktnicol said:
Not that i'm aiming to under achieve but i cold do kicks that are above the 2nd dan level and then would be stuck on what to do years down the road. I suppose that is the hard part about having some creative freedom because if i pick something too low i'll fail too high and i don't have anything to do when i'm at that level.


you are looking at it all wrong. just do your best and do the kicks that you feel most comfortable with. You will have 3 years until you next grading to learn new stuff. To worry about a grading further down the line is to risk taking your focus of your 2nd dan grading. Worry about getting your 2nd dan first.
jacktnicol said:
Thats what i was thinking about the cresent kick plus i've done it many times outside of exams.

And after think about over a few nights i have switch the flying side kick to a jumping 360 hook. Just because i thought that flying side is way to easy a the 2nd dan level. Because i figure that almost any body can break flying side but not ever body can jump up - spin a 360 - and hook kick.


Yea, it's easy - but if you start to add obstacles it tends to mess with you a bit, the difficulty level goes up. I tend to feel the 360 hook as well as other forward 360's are at about a 3rd Dan level when you talk about testing with a board break.

Basic rule here, if you are testing - make sure you can break with the breaks you choose. Save the daring breaks for demos.