2020 Olympics: Possible platform for Japanese Martial Arts?


Yellow Belt
Feb 19, 2017
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Since the 2020 Olympics will take place in Tokyo, Japan, how should Japanese Martial Arts be represented there?
Isn't karate being put forth as a demonstration sport? Judo is already there... has been since the 60's... what else would you want? Kendo has been suggested, but the scoring is too subjective to be included in the Olympics... Sumo doesn't have enough of a following... other martial arts are too specialised to their own area (Shorinji Kempo, for example)....
I think the biggest barrier would be sports with an international pool of athletes. Kendo might be big enough, and I'm sure that the scoring could be adapted in some way.
Since the 2020 Olympics will take place in Tokyo, Japan, how should Japanese Martial Arts be represented there?
I think others could be added as well such as Wushu, but this keeps getting rejected. At some point there are just too many sports out there for the Olympic committee to manage. Maybe some young wealthy individual should product the Alternative Olympics and cover the sports not covered in the Olympics :woot:
I think others could be added as well such as Wushu, but this keeps getting rejected. At some point there are just too many sports out there for the Olympic committee to manage. Maybe some young wealthy individual should product the Alternative Olympics and cover the sports not covered in the Olympics :woot:
Maybe call it the goodwill games or something. :)
Yeah... Karate will be a demonstration sport in 2020. The host country is allowed to have a handful of sports to be included. I think Japan also chose baseball, some form of skateboarding, rock climbing, and a few others. Don't hold me to specifics, as I may be wrong. They were voted on by the Japanese Olympic committee and approved by the IOC.

Demonstration sports compete at that Olympiad. Not sure if the medals are official Olympic medals or not though. If the sport does well enough, it can be considered for permanent inclusion.

Karate will be WKF rules in 2020. I wanted to see knockdown rules, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.