2012 Republican Convention....


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Well, the Republican convention is over and one thing really stands out...Romney is a really good man. Wether he wins the election or not, it is more than apparent that he is the man who should win the election. At this point, unless there is an October surprise, there are no mobsters, floozies, terrorists or convicted felons in his past group of close personal friends. He doesn't seem to have a history of adultery or sexual assault, which is why he probably couldn't be a high ranking democrat politician. The funniest thing that happened during the convention...MSNBC cutting away from the speeches whenever a Republican minority speaker made a speech. That is why alternative media will just get more popular.


Former Co-Chair of Barak Obama's 2008 campaign...is now a republican and spoke at the Republican convention...Artur Davis...

On Rep. Davis...


But the presence of Davis, an African American who seconded Obama’s nomination four years ago at the Democratic convention in Denver, offered a particularly poignant message.

Former Democratic Alabama Rep. Artur Davis, who introduced President Barack Obama in 2008 at the Democratic Convention in Denver, appeared before the Republicans in Tampa on Monday and fired up the crowd with a powerful speech. He said that he regretted his vote and spoke directly to the nation's independents and Democrats who do not support Obama anymore. "May it be said of this time in our history, 2008 to 2012: mistake corrected," said Davis.

Davis opened by thanking Republicans for letting him addresses their convention as a former Democrat. He slammed President Obama and said that the nation that elected him was blinded by his ability to speak and their hopes that the nation would move forward under his leadership.

The speech by Mia Love, an American of Haitian decent...


Mia Love isn't a household name yet.
But by the end of the Republican National Convention, she could be, after delivering her breakout speech Tuesday evening in Tampa.
Her profile and backstory alone have made her a compelling presence in the conservative movement. She is a first-generation Haitian-American, a Mormon and a small-town Utah mayor. Love, who is black, is also running for Congress in mostly white Utah. If elected, she would be the first black Republican woman ever to serve in Congress.
In her address Tuesday night, the mayor of Saratoga Springs presented herself to the nation as the embodiment of the American dream -- and touched on themes of self-reliance, small government and fiscal responsibility.
"My parents immigrated to the U.S. with $10 in their pocket, believing that the America they had heard about really did exist," Love said. "When times got tough they didn't look to Washington, they looked within ... So the America I came to know was centered in personal responsibility and filled with the American dream."
The 36-year-old mayor, who is in an uphill race against popular incumbent Democratic Rep. Jim Matheson, described President Obama's vision for the country as a "divided one" that she said is "pitting us against each other based on our income level, gender and social status."
"His policies have failed. We are not better off than we were four years ago, and no rhetoric, bumper sticker or Hollywood campaign ad can change that," she said. "Mr. President, I am here to tell you we are not buying what you are selling in 2012."

Republican Governor of New Mexico, Suzana Martinez...


If you don't live in New Mexico, you probably aren't familiar with Gov. Susana Martinez -- but Republican's are hoping that will soon change.
Martinez, 53, will be introducing vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan tonight -- a prime speaking slot for the newcomer to the scene.
Martinez is a triple threat for Republicans: She's female, she's Hispanic and she's a former Democrat. Her story is one that Republicans hope will resonate with Hispanic voters everywhere, and tonight is her big introduction onto the national stage.
Elected in 2010, Martinez is the nation's first Latina governor. She's popular in her state, with recent polling showing her approval rating above 50 percent.
With 6.7 percent unemployment, New Mexico boasts a rate lower than the national average and Martinez, herself, has the distinction of being a conservative governor in a state that tends to swing towards Democrats.
Unsurprisingly, Martinez was rumored to be a potential vice presidential running mate for Mitt Romney, but she vehemently denied wanting the position. She is the guardian for her disabled sister and moving her was not an option, Martinez said.

Susana Martinez' speech...

And the man who introduced Mitt Romney...Marco Rubio...


In a rousing speech infused with the theme of American exceptionalism, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio introduced Mitt Romney to those gathered for the Republican National Convention’s culminating moment: the former Massachusetts governor’s acceptance of his party’s presidential nomination.

Mr. Rubio’s prominent speaking slot, before a nationwide television audience, also served as his own introduction to the country. A Cuban-American from Miami with a gift for soaring oratory, he is considered a rising GOP star who could help the party repair its relationship with Hispanics, many of whom take offense at Republican rhetoric on immigration.“Mitt Romney believes that if we succeed in changing the direction of our country, our children and grandchildren will be the most prosperous generation ever, and their achievements will astonish the world,” he said.

And of course, Condaleeza Rice and her speech...

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And the sillyness that was MSNBC trying to get rid of the speakers who went against the meme...

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katie ...ches_given_by_minorities_at_rnc_from_coverage

To fuel their false "GOP is racist" argument, MSNBC conveniently cut every speech given by a minority from their RNC coverage tonight. Francesca Chambers at Red Alert has the evidence:
MSNBC wants you to think the Republican Party hates minorities. So much so that the liberal news network cut minority speeches from it’s convention coverage.

When popular Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz, the GOP nominee for Senate, took the stage, MSNBC cut away from the Republican National Convention and the Hispanic Republican from Texas’ speech.

MSNBC stayed on commercial through former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis’ speech, as well. Davis, who recently became a Republican, is black.

Then, when Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuno’s wife Luce’ Vela Fortuño took the stage minutes later, MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews opted to talk over the First Lady’s speech.

And Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval? Noticeably missing from MSNBC, too.

Mia Love, a black candidate for Congress in Utah, was also ignored by MSNBC.

MSNBC doesn't have the evidence to back up their claims that the GOP is racist, so what do they do? They manufacture it based on lies and false coverage.
I think it was a decent convention. Clint Eastwood was a huge disappointment, but otherwise it was pretty much what I expected.
I guess Eastwood gets a "body of work," pass for his convention speech.
Romney and Ryan have taken much greater liberty with the facts than their predecessors. Structuring the whole event around intentionally misunderstanding "You didn't build that" is pretty lame, for example. He may be nice in many ways but he'll twist the truth even more than most to get elected.
c.) He should not have been given the air time so close to the Republican's nominee without a solid script of some sort.
Sure I do, but I think this was a failing of the RNC. What was the purpose of the convention? It wasn't to honor an aging movie star or listen to an uncomfortable monologue. It is basically a 4 day long infomercial to convince people that Mr Romney is the best choice for prez. Mr Eastwood's speach should have been vetted beforehand. That it was not showed ineptitude.
Romney and Ryan have taken much greater liberty with the facts than their predecessors. Structuring the whole event around intentionally misunderstanding "You didn't build that" is pretty lame, for example. He may be nice in many ways but he'll twist the truth even more than most to get elected.
Beyond just missrepresenting the facts nothing of any substance related to specifics in how they intend to help the country was mentioned and if anything they shunned thier own extreme platform which they will owe a great deal to at a later date also we are just nice people trust us we know what to do all the while many of the speakers were touting thier own horns preparing for 2016?? Even last election John McCain had the courage to put down negative commnets on Obama and this time Romney and all those allowed and enjoyed a foul mouthed person to publicaly insult the office of the president which is the constant montra of the right that the left is so foul and hateful to them?

Romney made a business out of eliminating jobs to put money in his pocket and then lied and cheated sheltering his income offshore and feels like many rich demegogs that he owes nothing of the truth he believes are on a lower social status than himself. He and Ryan have both been put on record on video as well as in writting what they have said and what they have supported in the past and yet they out right lie when asked or refuse to discuss directly. They claim to support Medicare and other entitlements but are committed to destroying them.

Possilby if Obama cannot be given what he needs to finish the job he started then allowing the extreme right to finish the job of burning Rome can at least create a new grass from the scorched ground?
Romney and Ryan have taken much greater liberty with the facts than their predecessors. Structuring the whole event around intentionally misunderstanding "You didn't build that" is pretty lame, for example. He may be nice in many ways but he'll twist the truth even more than most to get elected.
If the press here is to be believed, you wouldn't touch Ryan with a ten foot pole. Liberty with facts, or liberty with truth?

Ryan, who seemed nervous as he began soon found his stride and raised the roof with a vivid dig at the President.
''College graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with life,'' he said.
Soon picky media (and Democrat) fact-checkers unravelled some of Ryan's strands, noting that he had condemned Obama for the closure of a car plant that collapsed under the previous president's watch, for a stimulus package that he (Ryan) had supported, for failing to act on recommendations of a bipartisan debt commission on which he (Ryan) served that in the end made no recommendations because he (yes, Ryan) voted against them and for reducing Medicare spending by $US716 billion - about the same amount as the cuts he had advocated.
Earlier in the evening the former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice and the senator and former presidential candidate John McCain gave speeches. It was hard not to see them as the convention's adult supervision.
Rice received long and loud applause despite the cloud that hangs over the Bush administration she served. She and McCain spoke in defence of an outward-looking foreign policy, an open immigration program and a continuing role for American military intervention.
If the Tea Party delegates on the floor noticed these heresies, they forgave the party elders for them.
On the main stage, the words ''Tea Party'' went unuttered in about 24 hours of speeches over three days but, in the corridors and plazas and in the bars and the parties, the movement's presence was plain to see.
Thousands wore its slogans on badges, flags and T-shirts but, more tellingly, the Tea Party's fingerprints were all over the Republicans' new official platform, which they quietly published on Tuesday. It endorses opposition to all abortion, to any gun control and to immigration amnesties.

i don't trust many politicians.
If the press here is to be believed, you wouldn't touch Ryan with a ten foot pole. Liberty with facts, or liberty with truth?

i don't trust many politicians.

They say whatever until they get elected, then it's business as usual.
I do think, one term and out is a good idea........ for any of them.
One term and out would be a great policy, especially for senators and representatives.
One term and out would be a great policy, especially for senators and representatives.

Alas, it takes a while to get to know the system--even without the seniority system, experience matters. Having 435 newbie reps. each time would either be chaos, or they'd be beholden to party shadow reps. who would direct them so they could get things done. It's still a job and it still takes some time to get good at it. They're writing these laws, not just voting on them.
They say whatever until they get elected, then it's business as usual.
I do think, one term and out is a good idea........ for any of them.

What people need to watch for is not what they say current but what they have voted for what they have put into writting and who they have taken support from one term or not 4-6 years can do alot of damage

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