IMO, being at war one's entire life meets the criteria of a failed foreign policy.
I wasn't saying that the U.S. was at war for my entire life-though that case could be made-I was talking about the world.
When you consider the costs around the world and the costs at home, the Imperial foreign policy of the United States has been a total failure for the bulk of the citizens of this country.
Not the ones that
count, that is to say, those who presently make more than $250,000/yr.-
minimum, actually-probably more in line with property and investments, rather than income.......
From an economic point of view, we have inflated away our standard of living and stolen huge sums of money from future generations for it. Libertarian foreign policy would have been the cheapest and most practical thing we could have done 100 years ago before the big mistake of WWI.
Libertarian foreign policy would have meant the end of Jewry, the unimpeded rise of the Third Reich, the Greater Asian Co-prosperity Sphere, no Israel, Great Britain a satellite state of Germany, and our country an isolated economic ruin.
Now, it's probably too late.
It's too late for a lot of things.
It would have been interesting if Ron Paul had been elected.
So he could sponsor the repeal of the Civil RIghts Act? Repeal all the social policies and advances of the last 50 years? Undo the Fed
and find nothing to replace it? I don't think so.
I think closing our foreign military bases and disentangling our foreign engagements would have put the coming war on hold, but then again, maybe the world is really beyond the point where you can diffuse a fight. I don't know and I guess this "what if" fair tale land isn't really that important.
Our foreign bases are economically unsupportable, and time is proving that out-many of them will come to be undone, by lack of necessity.
What is important is that we are really honest about how terrible our foreign policy is and how it created all of the problems we are currently going through. Maybe future generations will finally learn.
Not going to happen. We can do no wrong. We believe all the lies, and so, the majority of us say as much:
we can do no wrong.
Also, where did you get this idea that Trade Agreements promote trade? "Trade Agreements" are thousands of pages of rules that restrict trade. If we have a few more "free trade" agreements, we might not have any trade at all.
It's not my idea-it's just an idea. You don't have "trade," without agreements. It's really that simple.
And who are the planners anyway?
Above your pay grade,
or mine. It doesn't matter-it shouldn't have any impact at all on what you do, or choose to do about it. All the noise about "Libertarian values," foreign policy, trade agreements, what's best for the world, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum, ad
nauseum :barf:, doesn't make a lick of difference: the world will move on as it will, and you are just a small cog in the great big machine. You can opt out of the machine, if you recognize your role in it, or you can just keep turning....................
............that "turning," BTW, includes all your noisy dissent.