2 Wounded In LA School


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LOS ANGELES – A gun in a 10th-grader's backpack accidentally discharged when he dropped the bag, wounding two students at a high school Tuesday, Los Angeles police and school authorities said.
A 15-year-old girl was in critical condition with a [COLOR=#366388 !important][COLOR=#366388 !important]head [COLOR=#366388 !important]wound[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] and a 15-year-old boy suffered a neck wound, said Deputy Chief Patrick Gannon. Both were hit with the same bullet.
The student who brought the gun apologized before running to a classroom, Gannon said.
"He said, 'I'm sorry,' when the gun went off. It made it appear to the teacher that it was an accident," Gannon said.
The shooting occurred in a classroom at Gardena High School, Officer Gus Villanueva said. Principal Rudy Mendoza said students were on a break at the time.

Sounds like things are out of control at this school.
I read the first page of comments people had put, I guess that answers my question about MT posters being representative of Americans as a whole. It seems almost that there's a civil war going on left v right and any issue is seen in context to that. How long is it going to be before people start putting their fists where their mouths are?
Are there no moderates in America?
In my experience the moderates tend to express themselves alot less because they`re drownded out (and disgusted by) the comments of the far left and right.
Here is a bit of perspective. There is a saying in business: all conversation is stimulated.

The top two stories in my neck of the woods today:

1. We're in the middle of a nasty ice storm and bracing for power outages.

2. A firefighter who died in a training mission was laid to rest today.

Over in the locker room I noted that the folks behind I Can Has Cheezburger raised $30 million in venture capital.

Not much for rhetoric surrounding these stories.

Now...compare that to the story that has kids, guns, guns in school, guns discharging in school, kids seriously hurt, inner city public schools, schools with racial tensions....I'm losing count of all the hot button issues there are in this story.

This is stimulating a lot of conversation in a lot of people, and the comments serve an impulse outlet.
Well, I wouldn't base the comments on that article as a measuring stick of what MT posters are like. As I've said, everyone will have their own thoughts, like it or not, so you can either ignore or agree to disagree.

I didn't post the link to debate comments, I posted it to talk about the shooting, and the state that that school is in.
Huh. You mean California's laws on gun ownership didn't prevent this crime? Go figure.

Exactly. For a state that appears to be tough on gun laws.....

OTOH, I think that no matter how tough a state is, guns will always be accessable, especially to the dirtbags.
Exactly. For a state that appears to be tough on gun laws.....

OTOH, I think that no matter how tough a state is, guns will always be accessable, especially to the dirtbags.

Do we know tha this kid is a dirtbag? Personally, I don't have any problem with people owning guns, but when your child takes your gun and shoots something with it, accidentally or not, you should be held responsible.
Out of control in an LA school? You dont say...
you mean the same school district that graduates less then 35% of its students?
The same school district that had a 2% pass rate on their exit exams?

ya it seems like more of the same to me.

the LA school district is a disaster in every way shape and form.

the last I heard on this incident was that the gun was a gift to the boy from his father for christmas...

umm I figure I stuck you in the LA school system son, so Merry Christmas this will the key to a better future for you....
or something like that.
Exactly. For a state that appears to be tough on gun laws.....

OTOH, I think that no matter how tough a state is, guns will always be accessable, especially to the dirtbags.
That can't be, everyone knows criminals assiduously follow the law.
Do we know tha this kid is a dirtbag? Personally, I don't have any problem with people owning guns, but when your child takes your gun and shoots something with it, accidentally or not, you should be held responsible.

You're right, we dont. I was commenting on Dons post, when he spoke of the gun laws. My point was simply that the badguys, dirtbags, whatever you'd call them, will always find a way to get a gun, even if the good guys have to jump thru hoops.

Of course, the question is...why did this kid have a gun? Protection? Is he a problem child? Was he holding it for someone? Was he going to sell it? In any event, a kid that age, has no business bringing a loaded gun to school. He's obviously breaking the law, thus the reason I called him a dirtbag.

Sadly, in todays world, kids think this is the answer to their problems....it isn't.