1st sparring in about a year, and I broke a student


2nd Black Belt
Well, I didn't REALLY break him. I haven't sparred in almost a year, I've been working on physical conditioning to apply for the local PD and didn't want to risk getting injured. I'm in a waiting period since I didn't make the top group that went on for the background check, so the other night I declared as 'fight night' for advanced class and we spent an hour just sparring.

So I'm out there with this 14 yr old kid, he's a yellow belt, and I'm throwing half speed kicks, mostly blocking. I haven't sparred him, trying to see what he's got. What he has, apparently, is the ability to charge and impale himself on my side kick. Folded in half and dropped like a rock. We help him up and off to the side, and I'm looking at the black belt that was timing/watching. He said 'It's not you man, he went right into it'.

To the kids credit, after a minute he got back out and finished the round.
Yeah, You usually should refrain from charging straight in from a kicking distance unless You have a good angle, or if You get a convenient opportunity after evading, or blocking, or something. Otherwise You start walking into stuff. Credit to Him for continuing rather swiftly, anyway :)
When BB are doubling over yellow belts..the BB needs to think about what he is doing...use it as a training tool for both...one for control the other for what should not be done...both have something to learn here!
Yellow belts are good training for black belts' self-control because they are so unpredictable. You can't take anything for granted because they truly don't know any better. Hopefully you let him deliver some shots on you in order to round out the experience. Hopefully you'll get to spar more soon to keep knocking the rust off.
I dropped an elbow on a side kick during sparring with a white belt without thinking about it. It's been a month, he's still having trouble with his big toe on that foot. I've been there, so I know what it feels like. I wish I hadn't hurt him, but it was just a reflex, not intentional.

One the other hand, last night a white belt threw a couple punches on me that got through and I've got a bit of a bruise on my left pectoral as a result. Hey, I'm the brown belt, if I did not defend properly, it's on me. White belts can do all kinds of weird stuff.
I dropped an elbow on a side kick during sparring with a white belt without thinking about it. It's been a month, he's still having trouble with his big toe on that foot. I've been there, so I know what it feels like. I wish I hadn't hurt him, but it was just a reflex, not intentional.

One the other hand, last night a white belt threw a couple punches on me that got through and I've got a bit of a bruise on my left pectoral as a result. Hey, I'm the brown belt, if I did not defend properly, it's on me. White belts can do all kinds of weird stuff.

Reading Bill was very interesting. I haven't spar in some time but know when I have to do it I will do anithing necesary to keep myself alive :lool: , seriusly talking about sparring wiht lower belts isn't always nice because, as been told lower ranks belts are impredictable AND willing nailing the BB's, I remeber one time when sparring with a yellow belt cousing of mine he got me nice with two solid kicks and myself trying to nail him because of that. These days when I sparr I do it with slender,quicker and strong young guys who wanted to show they can kick Mr.Manny so I have to be aware of almost anithing coming up to me, that's why I keep my guard high and block almost anything and yes been slower (but a little wisser) use counters a lot or a voley of strong kicks.

Bill, sometime back doing light contact with my blue belt I deflected one of his kicks and with the softh part of my forearm bent his toe, this was an accident the guy got uncofortable and yes, I hurted him, he complained a little but he must realice we do a martial art and not playing with dolls, so I apoligize to him but told him it was no my intention but he must realice he would be hit or kick once in a while and that's the name of the game. I've been hurt by lower belts because they don't know how to use tech and sometimes I've been meeting elbows because my partner flinch so I must realice the lower belts are so green that need time to adjust their tactics to try to avoid using elbows (for example) to cover the rib cage BUT we must realice that using elbows to cover in real life is something so natural that we must be prepared to change the angle or the height of our kicks to hit in the right place.

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