1st American Taekkyon Instructors Qualification Course


Senior Master
This was posted on taekwondo net by GM Al Cole, newly appointed Head of Taekkyon in the US. It may be of interest to the members here:


Opportunity to become the first generation of Taekkyon Master's in the USA
and Pan Am region

Taekkyon USA will hold the 1st American Taekkyon Instructors Qualification
Training Course at Taekkyon USA headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio on
February 4, 5, & 6, 2011.

This course is the first of its kind to be held in the Pan American Region
and will be conducted by the USA Taekkyon Instructors Leadership Academy
under the authority of the World Taekkyon Headquarters Seoul, Korea.
Presenters of the course will be the Dean of USA Taekkyon Instructors Academy,
Grandmaster CHUN Won Ki and former Dean of the Korea Taekkyon Instructors
Academy, Master LEE Si Hyeok.

Taekkyon USA is specifically encouraging Taekwondo instructors learn about

- Taekwondo masters can learn Taekkyon more quickly as there are
many related physical actions.

- Taekwondo masters can increase the prestige of their school by
adding Taekkyon as an additional course of advanced and historical study

- Taekwondo masters can develop a strong relationship with the
cultural community in Korea, increasing their knowledge of ancient and
popular Korean culture

- Taekwondo masters can be among the first pioneers of Taekkyon
in America

- Taekwondo masters have the opportunity to be selected as leader
of Taekkyon in their state, region or nation (Pan Am)

Interested candidates who wish to be the first generation of Taekkyon
instructors in the USA and Pan American Region should contact Taekkyon USA
Headquarters to request additional information, registration application and

USA Taekkyon Headquarters
Al Cole, Director & Chong Bon Bu Jeon Su Kwan Jang
8664 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44060
Tel: 440-525-4841
e-mail: _grandmastercole@gmail.com_ (mailto:grandmastercole@gmail.com)
_www.taekkyonkorea.com_ (http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/) (USA link coming

About Taekkyon

Taekkyon is KoreaÂ’s oldest existing martial art sport and is the
predecessor of all Korean martial arts and considered by many to be the ancestor of
Taekwondo. Taekkyon was near extinction until in 1958, SONG Duk Ki
demonstrated Taekkyon with a friend at President Seung Man RheeÂ’s birthday
celebration. Upon seeing the demonstration, President Rhee stated that he was
watching “Taekkyon”, as he remembered seeing Taekkyon in his youth. From that
day, word slowly spread about the existence of SONG Duk Ki being the last
living practitioner of Taekkyon.

Several decades later a Taekwondo Grandmaster and martial arts enthusiast
named LEE Yong Bok searched out Song and began learning Taekkyon from him
and his student SHIN Haeng Seung. As Grandmaster Lee practiced with Song and
Shin, he investigated, researched and documented as much as he could about
Taekkyon in order to preserve it for future generations. This insured that
Taekkyon would not be lost and live on. Grandmaster Lee organized his
findings into a comprehensive and logical curriculum and began teaching
students and developing future Taekkyon leaders. Today Taekkyon is practiced by
over 500,000 members in every province of South Korea in Junsukwan
(Dojang) and as University programs, example is the Taekkyon Department and Team
at Yong-in University. Taekkyon Korea (KTA) also became the official
member of the Korea Sports Council, and Sport for All association, all under the
World Taekkyon Headquarters (WTH). Taekkyon has since spread to Europe,
Africa and other parts of Asia. Now it begins to spread in the Americas.
Is anyone interested in this? I can't afford it, and I HIGHLY doubt the YMCA would shell out the cash for me to attend it. I would seriously love to do it though.
Is anyone interested in this? I can't afford it, and I HIGHLY doubt the YMCA would shell out the cash for me to attend it. I would seriously love to do it though.

How much does it cost because I did not see a price?
Is anyone interested in this? I can't afford it, and I HIGHLY doubt the YMCA would shell out the cash for me to attend it. I would seriously love to do it though.
I am assuming when you said you couldn't afford it, you were talking about the time off to attend it. Like you mentioned, the price was not stated. I have emailed Mst. Cole about this information. As soon as I find out, I will post it. I would love to attend as well. Not sure if I can get the time off for it though.
Hopefully 1 or 2 other Korean based Martial Art instructor courses will come out as well and we can get certified in all of them as well....

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