14,000 post and still here


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Well this marks my 14,000 post here on MT over the years it is a milestone. I have been more active on this forum than all other together.

I wish to take a moment and reflect back for ther have been some great times here, just to name a few.

Meeting MSUTKD when he came down to my school while in town

Having Brian Vancise down to train and show off his stuff

Having Bob build and maintian my website Thanks alot

Being able to have people like Drac and Mike Shesulsa and of course Lisa around to keep my spirit high.
I would also like to thank Kacey,TKDgirl,Iceman,Tshadowchaser,Upnorth,laurenTKD, Zida, Big nick, Gemini,Wade, Carol, Jeff and the goat as well as HKP, Handsword,gydand,arnisador and the food he always brings up.

I know there are alot more so please do not be ofended if I did not mention you.

This place has been a place for me to vent, complain, and also be myself and for that I thank you all. Right now I'm going to have a beer to all of you and then go watch some TV with the family.
Congratulations Terry. What a milestone! I always enjoy reading your posts. Keep em coming.
WAY TO GO TERRY! I for one, am certainly glad you've been around... Also, I see you've been here for 3 years! This place certainly is tops- I've been on one other forum for a little longer, but I have just a little over 100 posts there. Enough about me- CONGRATULATIONS!

Oh yeah--- I gave you a little gift ;)
Long may you keep posting and help keep MT such a great place to hang out, Terry.
You are one of the reasons I stick around Terry. Your kindness and big heart are a wonderful part of my everyday life. :)
Congratulations! And no matter what you think you've gotten from us - we've gotten more from you!
Congratulations! And no matter what you think you've gotten from us - we've gotten more from you!
I'll second big on that emotion/sentiment and heartwarmer! Terry (and everyone else) ya'll make my life that much better... though we've never met in the flesh... I know you (all) like my family.
Atta boy Luther! on your 14,000th
Congratulations! And no matter what you think you've gotten from us - we've gotten more from you!

I'll second big on that emotion/sentiment and heartwarmer! Terry (and everyone else) ya'll make my life that much better... though we've never met in the flesh... I know you (all) like my family.
Atta boy Luther! on your 14,000th

A big third, Terry!
Thanks for the kind words Terry. Its great to have you here and congrats on the 14,000 mark. :)

Terry, you give KMA a good name! I'm SO happy you're with us! Thanks for all your posts, your spirit, your humility ... all you are!

Here's to another 14,000! :cheers:
Congratulations Terry and I noticed that this post was done 3 days ago and now you have 14,053 post.

53 posts in 3 days that is 17.6666666666666666666666666666666666
posts a day... my GOD Man that has to be a record

You ARE the upwe :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian:

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