12 killed in attack on U.N. compound in northern Afghanistan

Sometimes I am on both sides of the table with this issue. Sometimes I'll be thinking 'you know what that guy who burned the quran does share some of the blame. But I started thinking, at what point do you let them control you? Yes burning of their holy book can seem a little extreme, and yes the Islam world did give him a stupid warning etc. But think about it. What if we were warned that 'If Barack Obama declares the USA a muslim nation by the end of his presidency, Al Qaida, Taliban etc. will not launch attacks on civilians anymore." ( or any demand of a religious organization really)

Obama's presidency is over and he didn't declare the USA a 'muslim nation', and sure enough there were tons of attacks on civilians in a few different places. Does Obama share blame in those people's deaths?
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well, I don't think the attacks would stop regardless, because, shucks, we are dealing with people...and people have always killed each other, from the beginning on.

And second...
I'd love to see anybody try to declare the US as being anything religious. Though most people assume it's Christian, the forefathers decided against a state religion. :)
Dennis Prager comments on the murders...


From the article...

Unfortunately, the moral confusion wasn't confined to Afghanistan. Though in no way morally equivalent, we Americans exhibited our own form of moral confusion in regard to the Quran burning.
Joe Klein, political commentator for Time magazine, morally equated Terry Jones and the Afghan murderers: "There should be no confusion about this: Jones's act was murderous as any suicide bomber's."
Anyone with common sense knows that there is no moral equivalence between destroying a book, no matter how holy, and destroying a human life. So how does one explain Klein's statement?
Klein is a leftist, and his comment embodies two aspects of the contemporary left.
One is the left's hard time identifying and confronting real evil.
Instead of focusing on Islamism, the left focuses on small evils like alleged pay gaps between men and women working at the same job or on non-evils such as carbon dioxide emissions. Or they engage in moral equivalence: The Muslim murderers are no worse than Terry Jones.
The other characteristic of the left embodied in Klein's statement is what George W. Bush called the "soft bigotry of low expectations." It is clear that Klein has contempt for Muslims. If Christians had slaughtered innocents because of "Piss Christ," it would never have occurred to Klein to write, "There should be no confusion about this: Serrano's act was as murderous as any slaughtering Christians."