10 Million Computers Infected By Malware


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
1 percent of all PCs infected with ID theft malware

Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:44AM EDT
One in 100 PC users -- about 10 million PCs total -- are infected with malware designed to steal bank, investment, and other financial information from your PC, according to an extensive study undertaken by Panda Security.Like many antimalware vendors, Panda runs an online scanner to let you freely look for viruses and the like infecting your PC, without your having to install special software to do the job. Panda collects information on what it finds after those scans are run, aggregating the results into reports about the state of security on the world's computers. Panda says it's scanned 67 million PCs, a significant chunk of the billion or so computers in the world.
And the numbers may be considerably worse than Panda lets on, as the machines most likely to be infected are the least likely to actually run security scans like this one.

Indeed, I don't trust any online security scans... particularly the ones that POP-UP and say your computer might be infected let us scan it.... yeah ... RIIGGGHHTT sure go ahead... NOT!

Definitely find the best that you can afford to help get rid of your malware problems and find sites that are valid secure for credit cards.

Better yet... what I do is buy one of those pre-paid pre-loaded Visa Cards from Walmart and load up with the amount of money that I need to buy whatever on line and zero it out... then it's out and gone... I then cut up the card and toss it.

I've gotten scams about PayPal saying I need to renew my account info... gee... wow... amazing how I need to renew when I've never had a pay-pal account to begin with.

So be careful out there folks.

Also found an article about $200.00 I-Tunes cards being sold on line for $2.60
So few? I'd have thought it was higher.

My favorite malware removal tool for Windows is the Ubuntu LiveCd :)
Use Linux.

While I use Linux myself at home, I recognize my OS can't protect me against carelessness or simple stupidity. People who fall for those 'phishing' scams are simply too trusting (or innocent or ignorant). In their case, it doesn't matter if they use Windows or Linux or Mac.

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