Beware the digital frame bug


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Insignia Digital Photo Frames Shipped With a Virus
Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:14PM EST
A frightening new computer virus is making the rounds, and it's coming in through an unlikely source: Those cute, innocuous, and unavoidable digital picture frames.
SFGate has the story of a nasty piece of malware that has been riding along with Insignia brand photo frames, which were largely sold in Best Buy and Sam's Club stores (and possibly other outlets) over the holidays. The virus, which I've yet to find an actual name for, is reportedly "easy to clean," according to Insignia, but at least one IT expert (who was running antivirus software) tells a horror story about it, saying it took him 12 hours to rebuild his own, infected machine. All from simply plugging the frame into his PC.
This is hardly the first time that a technology product has shipped with a virus infection. Apple made headlines in 2006 for shipping a Windows virus on numerous video iPods. In recent years, products from Creative Labs, TomTom, Seagate, and even a cheap McDonald's gadget have come from the factory bearing unwanted gifts.
These are neat little gagets and make picture sharing easier since it's portable and offers a fair sized screen to view them with others. But now one has to be careful. So I wonder if there's a way to check these devices (other brands) before hooking them up to your computer so to down/up (?)load your pictures to it?
As always you should have a very good anti-virus product installed to your machine that's up to date with the latest signatures.
People running 'the cheap road' with products like avg and avast could miss out on this.

Even people running the big brands like norton and mcaffee could be affected by viruses like these since both names have missed on those "silent" threats before ( the WIMAD music virus for example still isn't spotted by both ... )

Just spend about 50 bucks ( only know the euro price ;) ) on kaspersky, panda or NOD32 , keep it up to date and you'll be fine almost always :)

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