
  1. xubuntu

    Training & Warming up music

    hello I 've been trained to kickboxing a little bit. Had some classes of wing chan kung fun in the past which i consider much more advanced even though not so effective. Anyhow, every training program has the warming up procedure. I use this mix for training 80 minutes. If anyone has a good mix...
  2. Kenposcholar

    What inspires, motivates, and makes you passionate?

    I have been doing martial arts for approximately 14 years and have always been incredibly passionate about training and teaching. Over the past year it has been increasingly more difficult to bring the same passion to the dojo when I bow into classes. There are several factors including a busy...
  3. E

    I might visit Hombu Dojo in december, need information.

    Hello, I am currently 3rd kyu and living in S. Korea as an exchange student. In december between the 17 and 27 I might be able to travel to Japan and visit Hombu Dojo. I'd love to be able to train there once or twice, however I don't know anything about the process. Is it possible for...
  4. Ademadis

    The little advice helps!

    Just a little anecdote; Recently my university Dojo has restarted (as term has now also officially started) with a much more structured and determined training regime. So essentially all the bad habits I've picked up over summer are now coming to light. On my first session I ran through...
  5. E

    Looking for a training partner :)

    Hello, I recently moved to Las Vegas, NV and am looking for a training/sparring partner. I'm not looking for someone who is not out for blood nor someone who needs something to prove. Rather, I'm looking for someone who is interested in some contact sparring from which I can learn or teach...
  6. E

    Hello, I'm new on this site and looking for a training partner :)

    Hello, I recently moved to Las Vegas, NV and am looking for a training/sparring partner. I'm not looking for someone who is not out for blood nor someone who needs something to prove. Rather, I'm looking for someone who is interested in some contact sparring from which I can learn or teach...
  7. E

    Looking for a Training Partner

    Hello all, I recently moved to Las Vegas, NV and am looking for a training/sparring partner. I'm not looking for someone who is not out for blood nor someone who needs something to prove. Rather, I'm looking for someone who is interested in some contact sparring from which I can learn or...
  8. Ademadis

    Morning training routines

    Hi all! Over the summer I've gotten into a good practice of morning exercise! ;) (Usually twice a week or so) Normally I do a basic warm up, practice stances and strikes etc. in a line up and down the garden, then finish with some kata practice. Normally this is only 30-45 mins before shower...
  9. NinjaChristian

    Good to practice or bad to practice?

    An instructor that's been visiting classes gave me some advice on my poomse, Won-hyo, and I am not sure if I want to follow it or not. Normally when I do the sidekicks in won-hyo, I do my best to snap them back as quickly as possible, because that is what I would do in a fight to prevent my leg...
  10. S

    What Makes a Sword Style Functional?

    This is for all the practitioners of all the sword techniques (HEMA, Fencing, Kendo, Iaido, Krabi Krabong and more) out there but what do you feel makes your particular or any sword style functional in actual/simulated combat? What does your particular sword art base their foundations in; do...
  11. NinjaChristian

    Late nights, kicks, and furniture (Warning, do not mix!)

    So its about 10:30 p.m., I was just training, practicing my combos. I was getting tired, but too determined to stop. So about the 20th time circling the main living area of my house doing kicks and punches, I was passing through the kitchen, front kick, front kick, axe kick WHAM! My knee hurts...
  12. Ironbear24

    More heavy bag work and then tree hitting.

    As usual be mean, be brutal and more importantly be constructive, I feel like I have gotten better as of late and a big part of that is because of the constructive criticism I get from this place. WIP2.avi
  13. Gerry Seymour

    Exercises to reduce "handedness"?

    What do you do with your students to help them overcome their handedness (usually right-handedness), so they can be more effective with their off-hand? I only offer one class a week right now, so I'm really looking for activities I can give folks to work on when I'm not with them. Some I've...
  14. M

    Northern Nevada

    Hi Everyone, I just joined the forum today and I'm looking for recommendations of you have any. I was debating long and hard between Northern and Southern Nevada but I think Northern has won me over. The prices for real estate is just too darn affordable and I have everything I need for me and...
  15. S

    Training someone with no body awareness??

    Hello all, I'm looking for tips on training someone with little to no body awareness. I'm a student teacher in a Gung Fu class and we have a student with very little awareness, a great example of some who never learned how to use their body as a child. The student has a lot of drive and really...