Youth tournament

J. Pickard

Brown Belt
Jun 8, 2020
Reaction score
Hello all. My school is running its first ever tournament in June and it is a youth only (under 18) event. I want all of the kids to have a great time and have something to take home as a memento of the event. What is an inexpensive item I could hand out to all competitors? I was thinking something that we give to them at the beginning when they check in/register at the door. We will have shirts for sale but I want something that they just get when they sign up. Any ideas are welcom. Thanks.
Hello all. My school is running its first ever tournament in June and it is a youth only (under 18) event. I want all of the kids to have a great time and have something to take home as a memento of the event. What is an inexpensive item I could hand out to all competitors? I was thinking something that we give to them at the beginning when they check in/register at the door. We will have shirts for sale but I want something that they just get when they sign up. Any ideas are welcom. Thanks.
You could give out tote bags. They are always handy to throw gear in. The mesh ones are really inexpensive, and if you have someone who can do vinyl designs, you can put your school logos on them.
Hello all. My school is running its first ever tournament in June and it is a youth only (under 18) event. I want all of the kids to have a great time and have something to take home as a memento of the event. What is an inexpensive item I could hand out to all competitors? I was thinking something that we give to them at the beginning when they check in/register at the door. We will have shirts for sale but I want something that they just get when they sign up. Any ideas are welcom. Thanks.
Sports medals / challenge coins are cool. The kids get bragging rights, it's a reminder of the fun they had, and even an advertisement. Pretty cheap when ordering a bunch.
Sports medals / challenge coins are cool. The kids get bragging rights, it's a reminder of the fun they had, and even an advertisement. Pretty cheap when ordering a bunch.
Thats an interesting idea. I'll look into that.
This is a great idea. We do this for our inter-school tournaments where we know the uniform protocol.

The tote bag is also a good one but may be costly. Especially if they have a logo on them.
In my day we were honoured to go home with a black eye, contusions and a ruptured spleen. When we got home, our fathers would beat us with their belts (buckle end) for not keeping the coal scuttle topped up while we were ‘out dancing around in our girly pyjamas’.

I don’t know…Gen Z glued to their mobile phones, viewing cosmetic videos. Give them a bloody lipstick each…that’ll make ‘em happy.
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In my day we were honoured to go home with a black eye, contusions and a ruptured spleen. When we got home, our fathers would beat us with their belts (buckle end) for not keeping the coal scuttle topped up while we were ‘out dancing around in our girly pyjamas’.

I don’t know…Gen Z glued to their mobile phones, viewing cosmetic videos. Give them a bloody lipstick each…that’ll make ‘em happy.

Ah yes, the good ol' days.
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Oh she’s screaming with delight at the prospect of a martial arts-derived splenectomy.