Would you rather a knife or baton?

From what I have experienced lately people not using nothing but there vehicles, from just running you off the road to just stepping on the gas pedal on prepose just to see how hard they can hit ya and/or seeing how far in the ditch they can put ya!!!!!
As for a knife or a baton, I prefer a knife. I never could cut cheese with a baton.
Honestly it's getting to be too much of a pain to carry my baton in basketball shorts, I have to keep pulling up. At this point I'm either gonna get a belt or start carrying a pocket knife again. I love batons and I'm better at fighting with one but it's a pain during summer. All other months are easy for me with batons just summer is a pain. So the situation is pretty simple, get a belt and carry it in a scabbard on the belt or b keep the comfort of summer clothes and just pack a blade. What would you guys do? I'd carry both if I had the opportunity. Might put a 26 in collapsible in my center console and carry a folder iwb with the pocket clip.
Baton for three reasons

- Distance. Using a knife requires you to get closer to the attacker, which puts you at greater risk.
- Attacks with the baton need not be as precise as attacks with knives.
- You can vary the hardness of your strikes with batons to mitigate for eliminate the lethality. But with a knife, you either stab someone or you don't.
If both are legal in your area and you have to chose one which would you pick and why? Me personally I carry a baton but with warmer weather coming it can be a chore sometimes to conceal one. In my area batons are legal and knives too but knives can't be carried just for the purpose of using as a weapon. So my push dagger stays at home but I can carry tactical folders and non mainly weapon fixed blades concealed. I'm considering carrying a knife again but want to weigh the pros and cons. I'm trained In both baton and knife but I am more skilled with a baton. I'm still more than enough skilled to use a knife though.
If it were legal, If prefer a baton. I’m better equipped to use it, and it gives me a better range of options.

I typically carry neither, because I’ve spent too much time in places where neither was allowed.
Baton for three reasons

- Distance. Using a knife requires you to get closer to the attacker, which puts you at greater risk.
Not necessarily. You can use a bigger knife. Or you can attack the bits your opponent brings into your range. And, if your opponent is using a longer range weapon (baton, bat, sword, whatever) it can be advantageous to get close, inside the range of their weapon.
- Attacks with the baton need not be as precise as attacks with knives.
They do if you want them to be effective.
- You can vary the hardness of your strikes with batons to mitigate for eliminate the lethality. But with a knife, you either stab someone or you don't.
Not all targets are lethal. Most are not. And of those that are potentially lethal, few are as lethal as people seem to think. But that's a moot point. If I'm using a weapon, you may take it for granted that I'm willing to kill them.
If both are legal in your area and you have to chose one which would you pick and why? Me personally I carry a baton but with warmer weather coming it can be a chore sometimes to conceal one. In my area batons are legal and knives too but knives can't be carried just for the purpose of using as a weapon. So my push dagger stays at home but I can carry tactical folders and non mainly weapon fixed blades concealed. I'm considering carrying a knife again but want to weigh the pros and cons. I'm trained In both baton and knife but I am more skilled with a baton. I'm still more than enough skilled to use a knife though.
One factor to consider is how each weapon will be perceived differently through the eyes of the courts if they are to be used in a self defense situation. Even if both weapons are legal in my area, the public perception for each can be monumentally different. A baton can be utilized in more less-than-lethal ways than a knife can, allows grappling techniques to be incorporated with it and has a range advantage over a knife. However, personally I hold the threat level much higher to warrant deploying a knife than a baton. The baton can be used in more situation simply because it's less lethal(not non-lethal) than a knife, so the threat level can be lower to warrant deployment, but I'd prefer a knife the higher the threat level becomes.
Honestly it's getting to be too much of a pain to carry my baton in basketball shorts, I have to keep pulling up. At this point I'm either gonna get a belt or start carrying a pocket knife again. I love batons and I'm better at fighting with one but it's a pain during summer. All other months are easy for me with batons just summer is a pain. So the situation is pretty simple, get a belt and carry it in a scabbard on the belt or b keep the comfort of summer clothes and just pack a blade. What would you guys do? I'd carry both if I had the opportunity. Might put a 26 in collapsible in my center console and carry a folder iwb with the pocket clip.
I would never carry a baton in basketball shorts. It would look like I'm carrying two.

I'd rather carry a baton, asp actually. For legal ramifications, and distance. That and I'd rather not risk actually killing someone. Or getting myself slashed stabbed or killed. Always preferred blunt weapons, staff etc
Knife. Small enough blade so attacker doesn't notice it and pull one of their own. Plus, with Christmas season a knife helps to open all the boxes that are getting delivered. Plus, if hungry you could skin a squirrel.
In Texas we can carry knives and guns, I’m just not a fan of the laws saying you can be prosecuted for taking a gun into a store etc. I think certain knives are restricted in certain locations while not in others. Since a few years ago, all knives seem to be legal except in say schools etc

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