Total disregard for safety...

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Brown Belt
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia
A freind of mine recently had a pretty scary experience with a kickboxing instructor in a nearby town (I live in rural Australia). She's been wanting to learn kickboxing for ages and was really excited about starting. But it only took three sessions for things to go horribly pear-shaped. The first i heard about the drama was when she showed up at my house looking seriously sore and confused... apparently she'd been told to spar on her third session with some hot shot experienced guy and the instructor was telling him to "put her on her ***". Now, sparring so soon sounds pretty wild to me, but as she went on, it became clear that the situation was so much worse than that: a) She didn't have a mouth gaurd in or a head gaurd on and he allowed her to spar, b) She had never been taught to fall properly, c) the "ring" they were sparring in was just some mats laid down over concrete and held in place by solid timber edging - no ropes, nothing to stop you falling out of the ring. You can guess what happened next - the hot shot guy swept her legs, she tripped and fell backwards heavily, arcing her back to catch her balance (as you might do as an unco newbie) and landed head/shoulders first on the mat. The scary part was, she landed only inches away from the wooden surround - if sh'd hit her head on that (or the concrete!) the odds are that she wouldn't be here at all! As it was, she was badly concussed and her neck muscles pretty bashed up too. Oh, and you want to know the worst bit??! He let her train the rest of the class and then drive 35kms home in the dark by herself! What a farking tool! Apparently since then he's shut up shop and gone underground... if i could find him i'd be reporting him to anyone who could listen!!
That's criminal. Literally criminal. It's gross, reckless negligence. Phrases like "knew or should have known" and "reckless disregard for human life" come to mind.

He may be underground, but that **** smoker desperately needs to be reported to the authorities. At the very least the landlord who owns the building he was in will have his name and possibly his banking information.

Don't let him get away with this stuff. Next time some poor girl will hit her head on the concrete.
What possesed her to step up to the mat to spar if she's that new? Even I kept turning down sparring requests 2 months into my training because I felt I wasn't ready. 3 days.. man.

That "instructor" didn't sound much like one. Complete disregard for safety and lack of respect for people. I'm guessing he went underground because something happened that forced him to.
He's a sick and dishonorable man. His male students will probably catch on fast and leave. If they are honorable men, they won't put up with that.

Most of the men I know in martial arts are honorable and respectful of women.
There are those who are gluttons for punishment thus they will stay and think they're getting some good training.

The instructor sounds of the mindset to get folks trained as fast as possible and the best way to do that is to literally get them to sink or swim. Possibly he was trained in this asinine method.
I don't know Aussie laws but quite possibly over here she could press assault charges and breech of contract or SOMETHING.

Purty stupid if you ask me (of the instructor I mean of course).

Good luck to her.
The instructor sounds like a self-inflated jackass, with his student studying hard to join those ranks. The entire situation is unsafe.

It's not the timing of the sparring I take issue with - it's the method. My students start sparring quite early, but they are paired with experienced students who will teach them the rules and show them things - not beat the crap out of them.
There are those who are gluttons for punishment thus they will stay and think they're getting some good training.

The instructor sounds of the mindset to get folks trained as fast as possible and the best way to do that is to literally get them to sink or swim.

No. If he's telling a trained, experienced fighter who is bigger and stronger than her to "knock her on her ***" he's a criminal sadist or a complete nutter.
I'm glad he's disappeared, he obviously doesn't know his *** from a hole in the ground. Let's just hope he's not training some other unsuspecting students.
What a complete jackass, I'm so glad she was not hurt bad and that he is gone.
A freind of mine recently had a pretty scary experience with a kickboxing instructor in a nearby town (I live in rural Australia). She's been wanting to learn kickboxing for ages and was really excited about starting. But it only took three sessions for things to go horribly pear-shaped. The first i heard about the drama was when she showed up at my house looking seriously sore and confused... apparently she'd been told to spar on her third session with some hot shot experienced guy and the instructor was telling him to "put her on her ***". Now, sparring so soon sounds pretty wild to me, but as she went on, it became clear that the situation was so much worse than that: a) She didn't have a mouth gaurd in or a head gaurd on and he allowed her to spar, b) She had never been taught to fall properly, c) the "ring" they were sparring in was just some mats laid down over concrete and held in place by solid timber edging - no ropes, nothing to stop you falling out of the ring. You can guess what happened next - the hot shot guy swept her legs, she tripped and fell backwards heavily, arcing her back to catch her balance (as you might do as an unco newbie) and landed head/shoulders first on the mat. The scary part was, she landed only inches away from the wooden surround - if sh'd hit her head on that (or the concrete!) the odds are that she wouldn't be here at all! As it was, she was badly concussed and her neck muscles pretty bashed up too. Oh, and you want to know the worst bit??! He let her train the rest of the class and then drive 35kms home in the dark by herself! What a farking tool! Apparently since then he's shut up shop and gone underground... if i could find him i'd be reporting him to anyone who could listen!!

You have got to find out this wankers name so that we can keep an eye out for him. Nobody wants tossers like this showing up in their backyard.
You have got to find out this wankers name so that we can keep an eye out for him. Nobody wants tossers like this showing up in their backyard.

Yeah, yr right... i'll ask my freind again for his name. The unfortunate thing is that she seems to want to forget the whole episode now. It actually took me a while to impress on her how close she was to being killed in that situation, and once she understood that she clammed up a bit. She did tell me that she spoke to him on the phone a few days later and had a go at him, but yr right, it's the other potential students who might run across him in future that need to know what this f**kwit has been up to.

Btw, my mate is still keen to learn kickboxing (as soon as she's fully recovered) which i have to say is so brave of her with an experience like that! At least she knows what to look for now in a school/instructor - and i intend to personally check out where she'll be training next.
Did she go back after that?

What, back to train with this instructor? No.

Btw, after having a chat with my mate and then doing a little digging, i've found out a little more about this guy... his name is Trevor Kloprogge and apparently he trains ppl in a range of things - Western boxing, kickboxing, wrestling etc. Kind of like MMA i guess. He doesn't actualy hire a place, just trains people out of a garage on his property. But what really spun me out was finding out that he's a school Phys Ed teacher! I mean, "what the..?"

I'm actually quite unsure about how to proceed with this info now i have it. My friend seems a little scared that i could wreck Mr. Kloprogge's day job by reporting him and then he might trace things back to her and make life uncomfortable for her in some way. You know how small country towns work... I'm toying with the idea of ringing workcover to go and investigate him, but if he's running the business out of his property then it could all be off the books and consequently their radar as well. I'm in the process of drafting a message to the Martial Arts Industry Association of Australia for some advice as well. I was also thinking about approaching him directly, letting him know that i'm aware of what happened and my concerns about that - like what is he doing to ensure that a similar situation doesn't occur again? What do you think? Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved.
Sorry, i just have to say it again a bit louder...


*sigh*... i feel a little better now.
I'm really glad that your friend didn't get any more injured than that- she was lucky! I'm quite certain that the guy won't find out who reported him, and I really feel that you both should. It's unsafe practice, and extremely stupid.
Btw, my mate is still keen to learn kickboxing (as soon as she's fully recovered) which i have to say is so brave of her with an experience like that! At least she knows what to look for now in a school/instructor - and i intend to personally check out where she'll be training next.

Wow! That kicks ***. If my first martial arts experience was anything like hers, I'd probably be scared ******** to get back into any MA.

My friend seems a little scared that i could wreck Mr. Kloprogge's day job by reporting him and then he might trace things back to her and make life uncomfortable for her in some way.

F his day job, he's going to get someone killed some day. Can you make an anonymous report, qi-tah?
Sorry, i just have to say it again a bit louder...


*sigh*... i feel a little better now.

Thanks for the name I'll be keeping an eye out for him, though it looks like he doesn't travel outside Victoria much. With luck I will not be seeing him in Canberra, but you never know.
That was totally reckless. I hope that your friend makes a quick and full recovery! I'm also glad to hear that she is still enthusiastic about learning.

Undertaking any Martial Arts can be a dangerous thing...people are kicking, punching, blocking, striking, etc and if one is not careful, it is easy to get hurt. However, in a controlled environment it can be fun and enjoyable.

I honestly believe that your friend was taken advantage of. If she paid any money to the "instructor" then I suggest she get a refund. She was taught nothing but how to stand there and get hit. Three days and she's told to spar without equipment. C'mon, anyone can see that is reckless!

The instructor is an idiot. Others may disagree with me but I also think that the more senior student sparring is also an idiot. If it is clear that that she doesn't have the basic skills needed to safely defend herself, then he should have backed off on his techniques, his power and his speed. If an "instructor" told me to "put her on her ***", I would politely and respectfully refuse. If pressed into it, I for one would no longer be a student there. I for one, am glad to be a student of honorable, respectful instructors: Grandmaster Ramiro Estalilla, Jr, Associate Grandmaster Ed Bansuelo; Mr. John O'Brien, 2nd Dan (TKD) and Mrs. Kristi O'Brien, 1st Dan (TKD)

Don't get me wrong, I am anxious to spar with someone my skill level (I get a work out) or slightly above (I'll receive some good training) or below (I get to teach) my skill level. But knocking someone on their *** to show how great you are or worse, how great the "instructor is, is belittling and unworthy of honor. What's the point? What's the purpose? To what end? Maybe I'm short sighted but I just don't get it.

I would consider reporting the school and the instructor to the authorities. If the school is associated with any governing body, then I would also consider reporting the instructor there as well. Last, if there is a business license, then I would also pursue a complaint there as well.
That is sick. People new to the arts must use a degree of caution. There are many fantastic instructors out there but a fair share of complete as*holes.
Terrible teacher, complete jackass, and his senior students are probably following in his footsteps. I hate to say this, but in boxing/kickboxing I have seem similar on many occasions. A tough guy reputation can sometimes bring in more $$$$ than quality instruction.
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