Prayer/Meditation/Good thoughts Request Thread

This guy just amazes me ... it turns out it's not a conventional inpatient hospital so people come and go on a limited basis. Despite his own difficulties, he organized a carpool of his fellow patients to come to our support group tonight!

I'm happy to say that after a couple day's retreat, he looks much more like himself. What a relief. He'll pull through. We always do.
Outstanding news. Good thoughts and prayers to you both for good health.
Can one post happy news on here too?

My best friend is closing on a condo today. It's the culmination of a long and difficult journey. She's severely disabled and can't work at all. After many years of living with her mother, the mother showed her the door (long story.) She spent several months in a homeless shelter until a social worker found a space for her in a high-rise housing project.

She was really grateful to have it, but it's a concrete efficiency reeking of bleach and stale cigarettes. It gave me the creeps just going there to visit. Thankfully the place has tight security so crime is not an issue beyond the petty stuff. It's a far cry from the Salivation Army, but she's been cordially miserable there for five years.

Ultimately someone introduced her to a program helping first-time home buyers on a low income. She's taken a series of classes while they helped her with her credit, and they've helped her find some grants for buyers with disabilities. She's been able to work for stints of a few weeks here and there to supply the down payment. This Saturday she'll be free! Back to the beloved neighborhood of her youth. She called me up in happy tears last week to tell me about the closing date.

Moving date is this Saturday, and I'm giving her a freezer full of steak and pork chops (see my old thread in Health Tips) as a house-warming gift.

The American Dream is intact, at least for one person. The system works! :)
Prayers, please, that John gets through his surgery well and heals as is God's will; also that his siblings find the strength to manage this crisis without harm to themselves.

Thank you. <3

((((((( hugs )))))))
Lots of 'em coming your way Geo :asian:
I want to express, somehow, just how deeply I appreciate the outpouring of prayers, good thoughts, well wishes from this community for my son (many received through Facebook) and my family. Knowing that others know you're going through an ordeal and feel for you eases some amount of tension and helps us deal with things better. THANK YOU!

John's first surgery was an amazing success and he has a second surgery scheduled tomorrow morning to repair his sacrum. This is a huge deal - we want the H fracture to be nondisplaced as it appears to be on the CT so he can be pinned and closed. If the fracture is displaced, muscles and ligaments will have to be removed for access to the sacrum and the placement of plates and screws.

So let's visualize that pelvic ring in perfect alignment and ready to be easily pinned in place. :) :) :)

All love and empowerment to John and to all of you.
Very simple one: Jenna.

Anyone who has spent time in a thread with her input already know the light touch brought by her to any topic, and if you have seen her recent thread, then I don't need to add further. My wishes are with her, as I am sure are many others here.
I'm currently running silent around here but this is an important thread to speak up on.

Best of all possible wishes to you, Jenna. Come back to us healed so that we may once more bathe in the warmth you bring to us.
Jenna, definately....a brighter soul I've not met in a while.

Jade, I'll also add a quick prayer to your best freinds father.
Light, love, and laughter sent...
Light love and empowerment to all. :)
Please give thought and prayer for Tony Harris, Jr. He was severely assaulted two months ago and now has bleeding on the brain as a result. He underwent surgery this afternoon for pressure-relieving surgery on his skull.

All love and empowerment.
Please give thought and prayer for Tony Harris, Jr. He was severely assaulted two months ago and now has bleeding on the brain as a result. He underwent surgery this afternoon for pressure-relieving surgery on his skull.

All love and empowerment.

How terrible! My thoughts are with him and his family.
Indeed so, JT. Positive thoughts flying across the Atlantic for the poor fellow.
Please give thought and prayer for Tony Harris, Jr. He was severely assaulted two months ago and now has bleeding on the brain as a result. He underwent surgery this afternoon for pressure-relieving surgery on his skull.

All love and empowerment.

Please add my warmth and wishes as well!
Light and love and hope,
I'd also like to add a young boy name Nick, a grandson of a freind. He fell under the sway of some bad influences and beleived a handful of aleve and some beer was just a fun high.....they are currently fighting to keep his kidneys from shutting down. 15 1/2 is young to learn such a stupid and serious mistake.
Thank you.
My prayers are with him and his doctors, that they can bring him back to good health, and that he learns from the experience.