PC gamers - what do you play?


2nd Black Belt
Sep 16, 2010
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We all have interests outside of martial arts. One of mine is PC gaming. Anyone else out there, and what do you play? Currently my only game is Battlefield 3 (with premium package), but I'm looking for a good free to play MMO.
I've played Diablo since version 1. Diablo 3 is still free to play, and fun, but I do wish that it had a larger world.
For me, on the PC, it is LOTRO that is my passion. It has a F2P model but it is not something I support - if you want to play then you pay in my book ... say "No!" to Free-loaders! :lol:

{Let's see if that gets the attention of some of the politically rabid on this board :D}.
I wish I had kept paying to play City of Heroes. LOVED the genre. Had to make budget cuts (but not raise revenue, just like the GOP) and it had to go. When I came back to the F2P model, the archtypes I loved I had to pay for. Should have done it. DC Online.... just isn't as good.
I was big into city of heroes when it was out. Now I play total war: shogun 2 and the new XCOM. I'm terrible at them lol
dont play much any more..

playing HL2 again at the mo (as i recently got through black mesa - HL1 remake on the source engine) and NFS - most wanted.

before that, i was playing darksiders 2.

was playing swtor for a while but lost interest when my mates left.
MMO wise i play Planetside 2.
Otherwise, right now at least, Far Cry 3 because im an avid PVP map maker :)
I'm not a competitive gamer anymore :(

However games that I'm currently playing include:

Borderlands 2
Guildwars 2
Skyrims' expansion (think it's called Dawnguard)

And my missus is getting me Dishonoured for Christmas.
For me, on the PC, it is LOTRO that is my passion. It has a F2P model but it is not something I support - if you want to play then you pay in my book ... say "No!" to Free-loaders! :lol:

{Let's see if that gets the attention of some of the politically rabid on this board :D}.

HEY....I am F2P on LOTRO.....but just because I wanted t try it. I think I forgot my login info....

I got D3 free, just by paying my WoW for a year....but the computer could not handle it. Low end graphics card...bummer.

WoW. It's about all I can handle and even there I have been slacking with life taking over these days. Making up for the days when I played too much....(but I think MoP was my last expansion..never really liked the changes..)

(I hope I am not the only gal in the mix, am I?)
Right now - Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition, Blade Symphony, and Mount and Blade.

I would particularly highly recommend Blade Symphony. It's a multilayer only game about dueling other players with swords. You can pick a Knight, Fencer, acrobatic street fighter person, a Wushu practioner, and a Samurai. For swords, you get a longsword, jian, scimitar, katana, and rapier.
All the characters are really different, and all the swords make them deal damage really differently. It's really fast and strategic. It's awesome.
for me it is Diablo 2 but more recently Everquest which I play with my grandson sometimes.
Now that is a Challenger playing a game that has quests and a 5 year old who just wants to run around and kill things or just explore new areas. He always says "it is just a game" when my hero gets killed trying to get him out of trouble. Oh well I most likely take game playing to seriously
for me it is Diablo 2 but more recently Everquest which I play with my grandson sometimes.
Now that is a Challenger playing a game that has quests and a 5 year old who just wants to run around and kill things or just explore new areas. He always says "it is just a game" when my hero gets killed trying to get him out of trouble. Oh well I most likely take game playing to seriously
LOL! I like the kid!
(I miss the old smilies!)
for me it is Diablo 2 but more recently Everquest which I play with my grandson sometimes.
Now that is a Challenger playing a game that has quests and a 5 year old who just wants to run around and kill things or just explore new areas. He always says "it is just a game" when my hero gets killed trying to get him out of trouble. Oh well I most likely take game playing to seriously

I got really into Diablo 2 for a while. (Sorceress with a penchant for stabbity devices and fire. :D). Never played Everquest, but I've heard good things.
"It's just a game"....ha. Good to remember. Recalling that, oddly, makes me do better at playing, as well as pulling away when I could be doing other things. I can be difficult, at least for me, that accomplishments in the game are not real accomplishments. It can feel like it though....especially with a really good game. Also helps me remember that the skills you learn in the game (mostly critical thinking) can be applied in real life. It's weird, being really into like, an exam or something, as if it was a game. Really productive though. :D
EQ is a free online game now. Yes you can put money into it (like many games) for updates or fancy equipment but you do not have to.
My wife keeps telling me I take the game to seriously but hell she has never played.
I don't have the bandwidth for online games. Or at least, not at home.
Game too seriously? xD How about NOT SERIOUS ENOUGH. :p
In college, one of my classmates once told me a story about her "ridiculous" basement creature brother was showing her what he thought was "the best thing ever". And showed her that he was on the leader boards for being second in America at Mario Kart for some circuit.
I responded "Wow that's awesome!"
and she looked at me like I was crazy and like I missed the point of the story. xD
Battlefield Hardline on my PS4 and a bit of Dying Light, didnt own a pc for the last 9 months.

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