*notice To All Members*

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Our moderator does not like the use of the word ***. I am hereby refraining from future use of this word, and I am encouraging all other members to do the same. I would assume acceptable alternatives to be: BUTTOCKS, CHEEKS, GLUTES, BOOTY, BUTT, or KEESTER.

This was a public service announcement from the vulgarian named Vince.
Hey bubba, just playin with ya!! This is ONE AWESOME SITE, and you have done a stellar job, just cut us a little slack dude! I just find it a bit odd that in a forum where we discuss breaking elbows and kicking crotches a word like *** rings alarm bells. You gotta admit- it seems extreme.

But anyway, like I said, I shall refrain from such in the future in respect of your wishes. Take a break man- you have done no less than an outstanding job here and I salute you!! I have recommended this place to all my friends, after all!

This website is outstanding. Relax. Don't waste energy being P.O.'d at me. I like it here. See the humor!
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