MT meetup in Lexington

yak sao

Senior Master
Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys.

I haven't been on here in a while.
I got a message from Tony Dismukes about him hosting a MT meetup in Lexington.

Any WC people thinking of going? I'd love to get some chi sau training in.
I suspect we're probably going to mostly get people who are within reasonable driving distance. (Although it would be cool if any of our more distant members were able to fly in.) I'm not sure offhand whether any of our WC practicing members besides yourself are that close.
Has a date for this been set?
Not yet. Tomorrow morning I'm going to set out a new poll with a couple possible dates. Whichever one gets the most votes is what we'll go with
As the planner, I strongly suggest making the meetup arrangements go through you (or designated rep) so there is a financial commitment and better reflection of a true headcount. Just getting a bunch of "sure, I'll be there" survey answers is a recipe for disaster.
As the planner, I strongly suggest making the meetup arrangements go through you (or designated rep) so there is a financial commitment and better reflection of a true headcount. Just getting a bunch of "sure, I'll be there" survey answers is a recipe for disaster.
I’m hoping we can do this as a gathering of friends without any financial expenses other than gas money/hotel rooms for the traveling participants. That way we’re good whether we get 3 people or 20. (Although the more the merrier.)
YEp this is more of what I'm hoping. More of an informal meeting of friends type experience than a formal seminar type thing.

The word seminar makes me feel like I have to put something together. I like the flexibility of is their anything you want you know.

I like meeting interest where people interest are. I also may not know what I want to learn that day until I talk to the person on that day. I didn't know that I would be doing clinch work when I met Tony, things just flowed that way, for me at least.

When I showed Tony the low stance that I talked about here. He got into a similar stance and it took me by surprise because it created a distance that I wasn't used yo dealing with. I'm not sure if he saw my reaction on my face, but by getting into that stance he closed off alot of opportunities that I would have taken. He even shuffled which kept the distance.

I wasn't used to tall people taking that stance. Things like that give me new perspectives in which to grow.
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