Medical recommendations?


White Belt
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
I have seen many martial arts instructors give medical advice without any proper training and tell students all kinds of things from medications and supplements to physical therapy routines. I am wondering where those who are not in the habit of practicing medicine without a license direct their students, or have gone to expand their own training to better educate students on health care/injury treatments and options.

For example: do you encourage them to get massage, acupuncture, surgery, etc...?
Do you have physicians/health care professionals that you work with and encourage your students to work with?

Would love to hear everyone's thoughts.

If you have reason to believe that someone is, as you put it, "practicing medicine without a license" then I strongly encourage you to log off and go directly to the police. That is a serious crime.
I always tell them to see their physician in part because I am concerned for both ethical and legal reasons about being seen as giving advice I am unqualified to give.